Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

I've been watching the telly for a few hours as Harry slept. I'm not sure if he's getting better or worse. There's no way for me to tell for sure. Right now, Harry is in the loo again. This is about the fifth time today. I'm really worried about him. I wish there was something I could do to help him. But every time I want to run to the store to get him medicine or something, he always tells me no. I don't understand. It doesn't seem like he wants to get better. It's killing me to see him like this. He doesn't realize that, though.

Paul came in to check on him about an hour ago. Harry was sleeping so he just talked to me. From what he said, it seems like Niall is starting to feel a little better. I don't know how that's possible, but he is. Paul said Niall hasn't been in the loo since this morning when I was in his room. Now, Niall's just lounging around Paul's room while he recovers.

I keep telling myself if Niall is feeling better, eventually Harry will too. But, what if he isn't better in time for the concert. Knowing him, Harry will go on stage no matter what, but the last thing we need to happen is for him to puke all over the front row of fans. It will cause too much havoc and chaos. All I can do is hope Harry is better by then.

I sat up in bed as Harry came out of the bathroom. He leaned against the door frame and ran a hand through his wild hair. I got up and ran over to him. I wrapped my arms around his torso. It took him a minute to respond, but he eventually held me against him. I pulled back and looked up at him. He was so pale. The green in his eyes wasn't as bright as usual. It broke my heart.

"Why are you crying?" he asked. He wiped away the tears I didn't notice had fallen. I sniffled.

"Harry, you have to let me go to the store and get you some medicine. Please! I won't be gone long," I pleaded with him.

He shook his head and his messy hair bounced. "No, Ellie. I don't want you to be mobbed by fans or paparazzi. I won't be there to protect you. Besides, I'll be fine. I promise. I just need to rest a little more."

I nodded. I lead him over to the bed and he laid down. I sat next to him and played with his hair. He laid there with his eyes closed in nothing but a pair of his boxer briefs. He had pajama bottoms on earlier, but he complained that it was too hot. I twirled my finger around one of the loose curls before he spoke.

"Tell me a story."


He opened his eyes. "Tell me a story," he repeated.

"About what?"

"Anything. Tell me something that's happened to you that you'll never forget."

Harry closed his eyes again and waited. What was I supposed to tell him? There were so many memorable moments in my life, most of them happening very recently. I think he wanted to know about something else, though. Something that happened before I met him and the lads. Before my life changed forever.


I sat at the dining room table as my mother cooked breakfast. It was Saturday so she was making her famous omelettes. The smell was divine. I couldn't wait for her to be done. My father was sitting at the head of the table reading the morning paper. We're the typical modern family.

I was drawing a picture of the three of us. In the background was huge house with a spacious yard. There were two dogs running around in circles. My mother was sitting on the porch sipping some tea. My father was in the yard with me. He was trying to teach me how to play football. The picture was sort of an escape from the real world. I loved my family, but we didn't have a huge house, a spacious yard, or two silly dogs. We have a small house with a tiny backyard and a goldfish.

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