Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"YAY! We're here! C'mon, Ellie. Let's go!" cried Louis.

He grabbed my uninjured hand and dragged me out of the back seat of Liam's car. Liam and Zayn climbed out as Harry and Niall pulled into the lot. Louis pulled me over to the large building, and we stood at the entrance as we waited for the rest of the boys to join us. I had no idea where we were, but what else is new? They never tell me anything. Why would they start now? The building was huge. I wonder what's inside.

"Hurry up, lads! I want to get inside!" Louis pouted like a four year old. I think he was more excited than me. My day didn't exactly start off very well. Shit happens I guess. What can you do?

The rest of the boys eventually joined us at the door. Louis was almost jumping out of his skin. He couldn't contain his excitement. He turned to me with the widest grin on his face. I think if he continued to smile like that he would pull a muscle or something.

"Are you ready, Ellie?" he smiled.

"Yes, Lou. Let's just go inside before you pee your trousers," I said.

The boys laughed as Louis pushed me into the building. We went through a set of doors and into what seemed like a huge lobby. There were only a few employees around, other than that the place looked vacant. I turned to face Louis and the boys. They all stood there with those stupid smiles on their faces. I raised my eyebrows at them.

"Why exactly are we here?" I asked.

Louis' face dropped a little. "Don't you know where we are?" I shook my head. "We're at a movie theatre!"

I was still confused. "We came to a movie theatre for my birthday?"

"Why don't we have the employees explain what we're doing here?" suggested Zayn.

I nodded. They lead me over to the few employees behind the counter. They looked happy to be working today. It looked like a slow day. Maybe they were happy because One Direction was standing right in front of them? Yeah, that's probably it. They most likely don't know who I am.

"Hi! My name is Jeff. How are y'all doing today?" the man asked.

"We're well. Thank you. However, the birthday girl doesn't know why she's here. Would you mind explaining to her what it is we will be doing?" asked Liam.

"Of course," Jeff smiled as he directed his attention to me. His accent didn't sound british or Irish. More American with a bit of southern dialect. "Wow, you're Ellie Wilson. Sorry, but I'm a big fan. I watched you on the Voice last season. Can I have your autograph?"

Wow, he knows who I am? That's a first. I smiled as he handed me a paper and pen. I scribbled my name down along with a few inspiring words before handing it back to Jeff. He smiled before speaking again.

"Thank you so much."

"Aww your welcome, love," I replied. I felt Harry grow tense next to me. I playfully rolled my eyes at him when no one was looking.

"Oh, right. Y'all are here today to play hide-and-seek in the dark. It will only be the six of you playing. Y'all will have two minutes to hide while the seeker stays out here until we let him through. You can hide anywhere as long as you are hidden in the dark. The seeker will have a flash light so it won't be so difficult. Whoever the seeker finds first will be the seeker for the next round. There will be three rounds since there are six of you. Whoever isn't found for all three rounds wins. Now, good luck." Jeff turned to face me. "Ellie, since you are the birthday girl, you get to pick who will be the seeker."

I turned to look at the boys. Who would be the best choice? Who wouldn't find me? Harry and Louis probably know where I would hide. Maybe Niall too. That leaves Zayn and Liam.

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