Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

It's been a month since our show in Pittsburgh. We've travelled all over the states and soon we'll be moving on to Canada. Jules has about a month before she has to leave us and start her first year at college. I'm really happy for her but I don't want her to leave. It doesn't feel like we've spent much time together. We have off today before our show in Los Angeles tomorrow. Maybe we could hang out today.

The lads, Jules, and I were sitting in Zayn's hotel room just relaxing. None of us planned on doing anything today. If Jules is up for it, we could just walk around the city and experience some of the sights.

Right now, I noticed she was slowly dozing off. It was still early. I'll give her some time to wake up before I ask. I laid my head down in Harry's lap and looked up at him. He smiled before running his hand through my brown hair.

I sighed. Everyone seemed so dead. No one talked or moved. It's like they just woke up from a five year coma.

Touring can take a lot out of you, I should know. We don't get much sleep while we're on the road. It's hard to sleep on the bus especially if you share a bunk with Harry. He takes up so much room sometimes. He always has me pulled close to him because he thinks something will happen to me if he doesn't. I'm not complaining about that part. I just wish sleeping on that bus wasn't so hard. If someone goes to the loo and flushes the toilet, you can hear it. If the bus hits a bump, you jump a little in bed. Niall has this obnoxious snore that I can't get over. But if you're knackered enough, you'll pass out.

I jumped up from the couch I was laying on and everyone looked at me. I smiled.

"Wake up! Oh my God. Why are you so tired?" I exclaimed.

"Why aren't you?" asked Zayn.

"Because I've learned to deal with it. I'm tired but I'm not going to sit around all day like a bum."

"That's not nice," pouted Niall.

"Shut it, leprechaun! I could say a lot worse," I warned. He sunk back in his seat.

"Jules," I started. She looked up at me. "Let's do something today. You'll be leaving soon and I feel like we haven't spent a lot of time together."

"Okay," she yawned. I playfully rolled my eyes at her. "What do you want to do?"

I thought about it. Since she's so tired, maybe walking around the city isn't such a good idea. What else is there to do? I got it.

"We could go to the beach," I smiled.

Jules perked up on that note. "That sounds great. I'll go get ready." She got up and left for her room.

Just as I was about to leave, I felt a hand on my arm. I turned around and saw Harry.

"Can we come too?" he asked.

I wanted to say yes but this was supposed to be my time with Jules. If Harry came, he would just distract me.

I shook my head. "No, you cannot. I'm sure you guys can find something else to do without us." Harry pouted and stared at me with big green eyes. He should know by now that it doesn't work on me. I giggled. "Nice try."

I pulled my arm away from Harry and walked out the door. I opened the door to my room and shut it behind me. I pulled my beach bag out of one of the suit cases and started putting  everything I'd need inside. Sunscreen, beach towel, tanning oil, and anything else I happened to throw in. I found my bikini that Harry bought for me in my other suit case. I changed into it.

As I rummaged through my suit cases to find something to wear over my bikini, there was a knock at the door. It was probably Jules ready to go. I walked over to the door not bothering to put a shirt over my suit. I opened the door and I was proven wrong. It was Harry. His eyes immediately dropped from my face to the rest of my body. He brought his bottom lip between his teeth before returning his gaze to my face.

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