Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Once again, I'm in the car. However, this time it's just me and the girls. They're taking me shopping because I was told I need a new outfit for whatever we're doing tonight. I don't understand how they expect me to pick out an outfit without knowing what it's for. Oh well, that's why the girls are here to help me.

Kat, Kaylee, Kerri, and I were in one car while the rest of the girls were in another. I was off somewhere in my thoughts when Kat brought me back to earth.

"Hey. Do you know what you want to get?" she asked.

"Uh, considering the fact that I don't know where we're going later, I don't know what I'm going to get," I explained.

"Well, you're getting a dress. No questions asked," said Kaylee.

I groaned. "Why a dress? I hate dresses. Why can't I wear something else?"

"Because where we're going requires a dress," explained Kat.

"Maybe if you tell me where I'm being taken later, I can agree with you."

Kerri shook her head. "Not a chance."

I groaned again. "Why doesn't anyone tell me anything? Not everything has to be a surprise."

"It's your birthday, Ellie. The lads want to make it special. This is your first birthday with them. Let them have their fun," Kerri spoke.

"Alright, fine. I'll play along for the rest of the day. But after that, I want no surprises."

"Don't tell us. Tell the guys. They're the ones who made us do this," said Kaylee.

"I guess you're right."

The rest of the car ride was relatively silent. The occasional good song would play and the girls would sing along but not me. I just stared out my window at passing cars and buildings. None of the music interested me enough.

I got lost in my thoughts once again. I thought about Lilly and Nick. I really miss them. I wonder what they're doing right now. I tried texting them earlier but they didn't respond. Maybe they did forget my birthday, but they could never do such a thing. I've known them since I was ten. Best friends through everything. That's our motto. No matter what we'll be there for each other. I don't understand why they didn't answer me. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's a good reason.

Then my mind wandered to Luke. I hate to say it, but I'm one hundred percent positive he forgot my birthday. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised either. He's been lying to me more often now. I want to end it but I don't think it's right to do it over text or phone call. I need to break up with him face to face, but when will I be able to do that? Probably not until we're touring in America. I don't think I can wait that long, though.

Finally, I thought about the curly haired heartthrob. We've been closer than ever. We haven't argued in a while and we've been able to joke around a lot more. It's getting to the point where I can tell him anything again. I'm not quite there yet, but it won't take long now. This just friends thing is kind of working, but I can tell he wants more than that and so do I. I'm not going to deny it. Luke is the only thing keeping Harry and me from being together. I know how bad that probably sounds, but being with Harry for this past week helped me realize just how much of an arsehole Luke really is. He only cares about himself. Since he forgot my birthday, that just adds to my theory. He doesn't love me. Hell, he probably doesn't even like me, but Harry does. He's admitted it multiple times. Harry loves me and that's a fact.

Kerri pulled into the lot and parked the car. Sabby pulled in next to us with the rest of the girls.

I can only imagine what they're going to make me try on. Shopping for dresses is probably going to be just like shopping for a bathing suit. Hopefully, Hope doesn't find a small short dress, but she most likely will. I won't agree to buy it, though.

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