Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

I sat backstage waiting for someone to tell me it was time. Time for me to perform at the O2 arena in front of thousands of people. I could feel the nerves eating away at the inside of my stomach. I didn't eat anything for dinner. I can't eat when I'm nervous. Louis and Harry tried to get me to eat but nothing worked. I promised I would eat something when the show was over.

I sat on a black leather couch. I held my head in my hands and rested my elbows on my knees. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what great things wait for me on that stage. Screaming fans singing along with me. Smiling faces everywhere. The feeling will be overwhelming. The butterflies in my stomach got worse as I thought about it. I let out a deep sigh.

"What's wrong with you? I thought you'd be jumping off the walls," asked a voice.

I looked up to find Liam standing a few feet away from me.

"Oh hey, Liam. I'm fine. Just really nervous," I confessed.

I brought my hands away from my face and folded them in my lap. He chuckled as he sat down next to me and nodded.

"I know how you feel. I still get a few butterflies before each show. It gets better the more you do it."

"Really? You still get nervous?"

"Yeah. We all do. Especially when we visit a new place."

"But, why? Everyone who bought a ticket obviously wants to see you. Me, I'm just the opening act they're stuck watching for a few minutes."

Liam shook his head. "That's not true, El. You have an amazing talent that anyone would be lucky to experience. The fans are here for you as much as they're here for us. Maybe even more if you know what I mean."

He bumped my shoulder and smiled. I smiled down at my hands. He was right. That little girl, Lilly, was proof. She seemed more interested in me than she was in the lads. Liam has a point. Even if these people have never known who I was, they will. They might even enjoy my music and become fans of me. Just the thought of it sends chills down my arms.

I looked back up at Liam. There was a wide smile on his face. "You know I'm right."

"Yeah, I guess you are," I giggled.

"Have a good show. The boys and I will be watching. We have faith in you."

I smiled up at him as he got up. He kissed the top of my head before leaving me alone with only my thoughts again.

The boys said something about doing Twitter questions tonight. That should be fun. I wonder what kinds of questions they'll ask. Hopefully, none of them are awkward. I mean since I left last year and came back again, I'm sure there will be questions that involve that situation. I really don't want to answer anything like that. Maybe all the fans just forgot about it. It's old news anyway. I'm sure they all found out the truth one way or another. The boys have probably talked about it during interviews throughout the year. That was probably hard for Louis and Harry if they did.

I looked up from the white tiled floor and saw a person coming up to me. There was a microphone in her hand and a headset on her head. She must be one of the ones who works everything backstage.

"Here's your mic. I already checked that it is on so you have nothing to worry about. Follow me and I'll show you where you'll be entering the stage," she instructed.

I got up from the couch and followed her. We walked underneath the stage to some kind of opening in the floor. I had to kneel under the hole because that's how I was going to be lifted onto the stage.

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