Twisted One Way

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Chapter Five: Twisted One Way

--* It was my third day at the Paris Opera House and I was alone, in my bedroom, I had a little time before my work began so I put on the necklace and earrings that man gave me and looked at myself in my little mirror. 'You look noble...truly noble' Abelia's words rang in my ears. She wasn't wrong, I did look like I didn't belong in the caste of a servant. I touched the diamond, I had never touched one before, it was so slick and warm, yet, on the inside it looked as if there were thousands of sharp edges and poking sides.

It was mesmerizing.

I slowly, and regretfully, took off the necklace, locking it around a the felt shape of a woman's neck and chest. Firmin would think I stole it if he ever saw it grace my neck, I stared at the earrings for a long while and decided that I would keep these on, I would only pull my hair over my ears; hiding them. All of a sudden, there were heavy, loud footsteps in the hallway, and my front door was thrown open, slamming against the wall and slamming shut again. As soon as I peeked out into the living area I felt hands upon my shoulders.

I was too much in shock to react when I was thrown against the wall. The person wasted no time in wrapping their hands 'round my throat and holding my body off of the ground, so my feet couldn't touch the floor. I sputtered and kicked wildly as my face turned into a tomato, but this person seemed to have no weak spots! The person was dressed in all black and wore some type of black bag 'round their head with two eye holes cut out.

The person's eyes were black.

They were more black than the clothing he wore.

I deduced it was a man because of his strength and willingness to kill me.

I gasped and the man threw me to the ground, I coughed and hacked; but I was thankful for the air. There was a strange sensation in my mouth and I tasted iron, shakingly I put my fingertips in my mouth and they came out red. I spit on the floor and found that I was bleeding. Before I could work up the air to say anything the man sighed, in his eyes I no longer saw murder, but pity. "I cannot kill someone so young...and beautiful" he said, his voice was deep and he walked out of my bedroom, into the living area.

I heard a strange whistle and the man gasped.

The man's footsteps ceased.

Everything was quiet.

Slowly and with much effort, I was able to pull myself up; using the door frame. Once I was up and caught my breath I took a few steps forwards, into the living area, yet I still held onto the door frame.

There were two men. One had a noose wrapped around his neck and the other stood before the dead man in a noose. The man standing and waiting with his back turned to me was dressed all in black, and he wore a black hat and black cloak. The man with a rope 'round his neck wore a black bag over his head with two cut-out eye holes.

My assassin was dead.

And he was killed by the man who Abelia warned me about.

The man wearing the cloak turned and darted for a black room that was always locked and always darkened. "No, wait!" I cried, stepping forwards and loosing my balance; I fell and landed on my bum, behind the couch. I heard a door shut quickly and the lock turned, the man from behind the chandelier was gone.

And I was left with a dead body.

--* I ran and got Abelia, jogging her down to the third cellar. She too was in her servant's outfit and preparing for work. I excitedly told Abelia about that morning's activities and showed her my neck, two, large, male hand prints were perfectly visible. I fumbled with my keys and dropped them a few times, for; I was full of adrenaline! I opened the door (the rust on the doorknob had magically disappeared) and hurried inside, but the body, was gone.

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