A Competition Of Sorts

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Chapter Nine: A Competition Of Sorts

--* I panicked as La Carlotta sang, not because she was good (because, she wasn't) but because my stomach would not stop rumbling! 

La Carlotta and I both were to sing 'Think of Me' and, after the song was preformed by both singers, the audience would write down their pick and the votes would be tallied. The vote talliers were Abelia, a woman named Amaryllis, and a man named Jocard. Jocard was a fellow servant and Amaryllis was a ballet dancer who normally had no opinion on anything. I warned Abelia beforehand to not 'tip the votes' in my favor, for, that would not end well.

I peeked out from behind the curtain to spy box five, the Opera Ghost's silhouette sat patiently in the brown chair, his hands were together on his lap and he watched the diva's performance calmly. I glanced down from him to the audience to find that most of the members had stuffed cotton pieces into their ears! I smiled and gave a small giggle, no one ever did that when I sang! On the last note La Carlotta screeched and I hurriedly pulled my hands to my ears, hoping to shield them from the wretched noise. A moment or two afterwards and everyone was silent, no doubt recovering from the diva's highest pitch.

The crowd applauded and La Carlotta walked backstage, cocking an eyebrow and smiling smugly. "Try to top that, servant girl" she said with a wink.

"I intend to" I countered, without missing a beat. La Carlotta's eyebrows raised in surprise, she nodded and took her place backstage whilst I occupied the stage, before the audience. They clapped and I saw most of the members retrieving the cotton that was stuffed in their ears. I smiled and the music began, I started off soft and then rose and rose, fluctuating my voice and (hopefully) making it appeal to the crowd. When I hit the highest note, however, in contrast of La Carlotta, the cotton pieces fell to the ground, as well as the audience member's jaws!

The audience stood and clapped wildly, they threw me flowers!

I had never been thrown flowers before!

I bowed and thanked them, taking up a handful of flowers and bowing to opera box five. I walked backwards and the curtains were pulled, but, we all still heard the crowd cheering. Hamish ran to me and enveloped me in a hug, we smiled and bounced together, they loved it, they loved me! One of his cooks, however, pulled him away, he was needed to help with a feast that would be held in either my or La Carlotta's honor. That was fine with me, I hurried away, back up to box five and opened the door to see that the Opera Ghost was gone!

He vanished again!

I called his name and hastened around box five, only to find a note in La Carlotta's bichon's mouth. It runs:

'Truly awe-inspiring brilliance, Persephone, I will return later.'

I sighed and carried the note back down the stairs with me, making sure to close the door as I left box five, not desiring La Carlotta's bichon to flee.

I returned backstage, pacing in my anxiousness. I knew I won, I had to have won! The audience stuffed cotton in their ears during La Carlotta's performance and took it out during my own! I had to have won!

--* After half an hour of waiting the three vote counters came out and La Carlotta rushed to them. "So, what is it? Who won?" She asked frantically. The three remained silent and Abelia grasped a small tiara that was made to symbolize the Primadonna.

She paused before La Carlotta and I felt my heart sink, La Carlotta gave a devilish smile to me and began her thanking speech, only, the tiara wasn't placed on her head.

It was placed on mine!

I gave a small squeal of delight and, Hamish, who was watching this, again ran to me and lifted me onto his shoulder whilst everyone shouted "hurrah, hurrah!"

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