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Chapter Forty Two: Honeymoon

--* Our honeymoon was in Persia, and, we thought of bringing Pierre along with us, however, Abigail volunteered to watch him whilst we were away for two weeks.

Erik took me all over Persia, however, most of our time was spent back in the hotel room with a 'do not disturb' sign swinging on the doorknob.

It was a sweet, little vacation and I continuously stared at my wedding ring; he was officially mine now. All mine! And, when we were out I spotted a few younger ladies seizing him up and I rushed to his side; distracting him, but giving the women a not--so--nice finger gesture as we passed by them.

--* When we returned to Paris, however, we were faced with something we forgot about.


She stood, waiting for us as we returned; Erik carrying our luggage. I grasped his arm and he straightened up; Christine wore a black dress with a black hat and black feather, she was still mourning the death of her nephew and husband. Tears were gathered in her eyes and she slapped Erik's cheek! I wouldn't take this, so, I slapped Christine! She paused and turned to me again.

"How dare you?" She asked in a quiet, disgusted tone.

"How dare you?" I asked in a louder tone, but, I was no less disgusted. "You hit my husband and I will hit you back; regardless if you are a man or woman." I said, Christine's porcelain cheek was cracked and a red handprint was already emerging; Erik rubbed his cheek.

"He killed my nephew and husband!" She exclaimed; I glanced around.

"And? Have you come to tell us the obvious? If you have you are free to leave and I congratulate you on finally coming to speed with the situation" I stated, clapping for her; I was in no mood to deal with her meddling at the moment. I only wanted to snuggle with my husband and son more; Christine's mouth hung agape and she blinked in shock at my outburst.

"I actually came to make amends" she said quietly.

"Well, what a wonderful way to make amends than to slap those who you are attempting to amend with" said I, I had become more snarky as of late; it was because I wasn't feeling good and I had vomited twice on our honeymoon. Erik suspected I was pregnant again, for, it lasted too long to be food poisoning and nor was it a cold; I promised him I would travel to the physicians and find out if I was or not. Speaking of late events, Erik was getting off of morphine, however, he was having withdraws and would often stare into space or at me for ten moments at a time. Other than that he was more hungry and cleaned his plate for every meal!

Christine sighed. "I'm sorry, I...I still haven't...amended with myself" she said, fiddling with her dress; I nodded and Erik and I took Christine down to our home upon the lake where Pierre awaited us.

--* "Mummy, father!" Pierre yelled running to us; Pierre ran into my arms and Erik hugged Pierre and I; Christine stood off to the side and smiled at our little family.

Erik took our luggage into our bedroom and began telling Pierre what it was like in Persia when I sat down with Christine in the Louis--Philippe room. "So, you went to Persia for your honeymoon?" Christine asked, I nodded and smiled.

"It was beautiful; all of the flowers were in bloom and the people were so polite! Erik brought me into the Shah's palace and gave me this necklace" said I, moving my hair and showing Christine a beautifully golden necklace with a diamond so large I could almost fit both of my eyes into it! Christine smiled and nodded at its brilliance.

"He's a very devoted man" Christine said sorrowfully.

"That he is" I agreed and moments later Erik returned with little Pierre following behind him, blathering about what he did whilst we were gone. Pierre hurried over to me and grasped my hands, continuing whatever he told Erik; I smiled and pulled him onto my lap, kissing his ear and causing him to giggle. Erik sat beside me and laid his arm around my shoulders. Christine cleared her throat and sighed.

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