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Chapter Thirty: Pierre

--* The world around me was foggy and muddled, and air was being pumped into my mouth; I heard voices come from around me, but, I had no idea of what they were saying.

My entire body was numb and I had not the strength, nor the willpower, to open my eyes; I was uncommonly fatigued. Then, there was a sharp pain on the left side of my body, shattering the numbness I once enjoyed. I grunted and my arm jolted; the voices hushed for a moment and then began again in an uproar. There was yelling and shrieking, I heard gasping and then silence and heavy breathing; there was once voice, a voice which I was completely accustomed to, it was soft, yet at the same time, demanded respect and authority.


He spoke for a while, and then, there was silence. There was the sound of clinking, metallic objects and I felt pressure on my left side; then I felt a large, cold hand slip into my own, I gave a smile and weakly brought my fingers to his, for, I knew it was Erik who held my hand.

There was a sharp pain in my right arm and I gasped quietly, only, a few moments later, to fall back into the pit that was my subconscious.

--*  I woke again, this time I was gifted with the ability to open my eyes; and, when I did, I found that Erik was leaning back in a chair beside me, his left hand resting in mine whilst his right supported his head. His eyes were closed and he breathed slowly, snoring softly. I smiled, I loved his snore. It was like an adorable, little, kitchen mixer. 

I blinked and gave a yawn, glancing around the room. The walls were baby blue and the floors were white and tiled; there was a little window with white blinds pulled before it, but, no light came in from the window.

I figured it was night.

I laid in a soft bed with white sheets; I spotted several blood droplets at random places on the sheets. I was at a hospital. Up from my sheets I glanced to see a man hanging by his neck from the rafters; I paused and started for a moment, the man's face was a deep, deep vermillion with a mauve colour lining where the noose held his neck. His body was completely limp and his eyes were glazed over, as a corpse's should; this man was dead, I was sure of it. But, why was he hanging in my room?

More importantly, what animosity had he shown Erik to get himself killed in such a way as strangulation?

I accidently moved my hand and Erik jolted awake; quickly scanning the room. His eyes slowly turned back to me and he gave a drained smile, leaning forwards and gently brushing his fingers through my hair; kissing my forehead. "How did you sleep, angel? Any discomfort?" Asked he, I shook my head and he smiled again; I pointed towards the man and gave Erik a frank look, to this he laughed.

"Oh,  I had to assert my authority of being your angel of music; sadly, he and I didn't see it eye to eye, as it were" Erik explained, I giggled.

"What was the quarrel about?" I asked, my voice was scratchy and gruff; Erik held my hand once again.

"The damnable man refused to allow me access to you and so...I got angry" he clarified; I nodded and he scooted closer, causing the chair to scream as he drug it across the tile. There was a slight bump on my stomach and then I remembered:

The baby!

"What of our child?" I asked Erik urgently; Erik smiled sadly to me and my heart shattered. "It's dead...isn't it?" I asked, Erik chuckled.

"No, dear. But, it will damage the baby in some way; the doctors and I are sure of it. Seeing as the baby will already be...awry...the doctors have given us a choice." Said he, my eyes glassed over; I knew what that choice was almost instantly. "You could give birth to it and we could raise it to the best of our ability...or..." Erik paused and a tear ran down my cheek; still, he continued "or the doctors can kill it and we can try again" he finished.

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