Risk Taker

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Chapter Thirteen: Risk Taker

--* I woke lying on the Opera Ghost's bare chest and below me he snoozed quietly. His face was turned to the left, so his mask was buried into the pillow; his right arm laid limply across my back whilst his right hung off of the bed, his mouth was open so I could hear every breath he took. I smiled and glanced down, I was in the white nightgown I found only days beforehand. I laid my head back down upon his chest and listened to him breathe, his breathing was slow and even, and it almost lulled me to sleep, but there came a knock on my door! I jumped and gasped and my Opera Ghost shot up, seizing my arms, his eyes were wide and wild at the sudden surprise; the knock came again and my Opera Ghost sighed, smiling to me and kissing my forehead.

"Good morning, my Angel of Music" he said with a yawn, stretching. The knock came once more and my Opera Ghost stood, cracking his back and walking into the living room. His black hair was messy and one of his trouser legs was rolled up to his knee whilst the other was down the entire way, and his eyes were half closed, but his mask remained unmoved on the left side of his face. I peeked at myself in the mirror as I heard the door open; my hair was frizzy and poked out every which way! I giggled at myself and peered into the living area to see that standing before my Opera Ghost was the man in the astrakhan hat!

Oh, what did he call that man? It started with a 'D'...Darin? Demetry? Then, it came to me, Daroga! I heard my door shut and my Opera Ghost walked back into the bedroom, offering his hand to me.

"Come, my dear, come meet Monsieur Daroga" my Opera Ghost encouraged, I smiled to him.

"I can't meet someone...not like this!" I cried, attempting to smooth down my hair, but it only frizzed up and when I ran my fingers through it to rid it of knots, the knots only joined together to create bigger knots! My Opera Ghost raised an eyebrow.

"Like what? I see nothing but utter perfection before me" he said, I smiled and pulled him down to me, kissing his lips. He chuckled and pushed be backwards, laying me down onto the bed; someone cleared their throat behind us and my Opera Ghost slowly turned; we both saw the man in the astrakhan hat leaning on the doorframe.

"You both do realize that I was still in the living room...correct?" He asked, my Opera Ghost and I both laughed and the Daroga chuckled "and, by the way, Persephone, you look beautiful" the Daroga added, my Opera Ghost smiled to me and helped me off of the bed and into the living area.

--* The Daroga is all what my Opera Ghost explained! He was so nice and one of the kindest people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting! The Daroga was the one to make us three breakfast, whilst he did so, he and my Opera Ghost recounted some of their tales together when they were in Persia. Apparently, my Opera Ghost traveled with a gypsy camp before meeting the Daroga, when the Daroga was going to tell me what they called my Opera Ghost, my Opera Ghost cleared his throat and narrowed his eyes; indirectly telling the Daroga not to.

After that small incident I learnt that my Opera Ghost was commissioned to build a great palace for the Shah--in--Shah, and it had so many trapdoors and secret passageways that the Shah--in--Shah could get around unnoticed! He was also commissioned by the Persian government to be a political assassin and designed tortures for the Shah--in--Shah's mother to watch; it sickened me that people would get entertainment out of someone else's pain (for absolutely no reason). How the Daroga and my Opera Ghost met? The Daroga was sent by the Shah--in--Shah to go fetch my Opera Ghost and bring him back to Persia, which, he did, and they became great friends. After my Opera Ghost built the palace the Shah--in--Shah ordered my Opera Ghost blinded but, the Shah--in--Shah feared that my Opera Ghost could still make beautiful palaces, so, he ordered him executed!

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