The House on the Lake

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Hey guys! I have a schedule for my musical! Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, Fridays (and sometimes Tuesdays) I will be able to update regularly. Wednesdays and Thursdays I have to stay at school until six and have no time to write. Sorry!

It's how my dance teacher is working things! Please bare with me for a few months (or, until whenever I finish this book....and finish 'Limelight', I've been meaning to update that! I will more than likely begin another Phanfiction because I literally cannot function if I'm not writing one.) And that's all she wrote, haha. Enjoy!

Chapter Twenty: The House on the Lake

--* Erik gently pushed us along in the gondola, hanging candelabras gave off a golden glow, lighting the way for us. There were also two lanterns attached to the front of the 'gondola' so, if by some chance, any of the candles go out, we could still find our way. There was a thick mist hovering upon the top of the lake that sparkled golden from the light of the candles; I was awe struck. It was so beautiful down here, more beautiful than any botanical garden or park or square! Soon, I saw a shoreline appear!

This shoreline was different from the first shoreline. This shoreline was made of sand and my shoes sank into the sand as Erik helped me out of the little gondola. Again, I was wonderstruck at the scenery about me! The sand ended a little ways in and concrete stairs began, leading up to a platform that held a large, black organ covered in used music sheets, ink, and thousands of burnt down candles as well as burning ones. To the left and right of the organ were golden encased mirrors covered in red, heavy, velvet curtains with golden tassels; I figured these were old, stage curtains. There were more stairs leading up from this, to a black door.

In the door, we went into a room he called his 'drawing room' which consisted of a cream coloured carpet and cream walls; a purple and red silken rug laid in the middle of the room, a white couch sat on one side of the carpet and two, white chairs sat on the opposite side. Before the sitting area was a black fireplace and in the far right corner of the room was a sleek, black piano. I counted fourteen, golden, standing candelabras in this room. On the far wall (opposite wall to the fireplace) was another door; Erik said that door led to a washroom. He took up my arm and we walked forwards to find yet another door on the front wall!

"This leads to the dining room" said he as he opened the door for me. The dining room adorned dark, hardwood floor with black walls and a dark, oaken table with sculptures of angels in the legs. A navy blue rug with golden tassels sat beneath the table. From the ceiling hung a golden chandelier; and along with that there were seven standing candelabras. I counted four doors in this room; one on each wall.

Erik walked forwards and opened each door; he looked to me and led me through the door on the opposite wall. "This" said he "is the Louis--Philippe room" he finished; the Louis--Philippe room adorned dark green carpet and black walls, in the middle of the room sat a dark red rug with golden tassels. There was a red fainting couch sitting on the right hand side of the rug, on the left sat a regular, red couch. Beside the couch sat dark, wooden drawers with golden handles; I counted five candelabras. At the front of the room sat a large table (around the size of the dining table) with a small bag atop it, along with a scorpion and a grasshopper statue; now, what William told me surfaced in my mind, I sighed silently and shook my head slightly, ridding myself of those thoughts.

Behind the red couch were black stairs that led up to a small, red curtain; my brows furrowed. "What's up there, my love?" I asked, starting towards the stairs, Erik gasped and grasped my waist, pulling me away from the stairs.

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