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Chapter Forty Six: Memories

Two Years Later..

--* Erik and I sat on a bench in Jardin des Tuileries whilst Mimi walked about before us, not leaving our line of sight. In my arms I held the newest member of our family, a sparkling little girl we named Emily. Emily reminded me everything of Pierre, deep, black hair with yellow eyes, save Emily's eyes were a dull yellow; her skin was the colour of icy milk and her cheeks sank in, but, only a little. Emily could say quite a few words, despite her young age! She was just learning how to walk and Erik was teaching her how to use an indoor toilet (which, was a godsend!)

Mimi was wonderful throughout this entire ordeal, she has been the perfect big sister to Emily, never plays rough with her and always shares with her (even though Emily doesn't really eat 'big people' food). Erik cleared out the Louis-Philippe room and blocked off the torture chamber and made it Mimi and Emily's bedroom; he planned on dismantling the torture chamber and making it a play room for the girls. I was a bit hesitant with the idea, but, he promised nothing would hurt them, he would attach anything hurtful to them with a weight and then throw it into the lake; he even boarded up some of the trap doors that the girls could find.

He was the perfect father, was Erik, Mimi, one night, heard Erik playing the organ for me before bed and tiptoed in the room. On her little pad of paper she asked Erik if he would teach her how to play, and, of course, he agreed instantly. So, most of their time was spent sitting at the organ together; my time was spent cursing the pains of pregnancy, eating, and reading every book Erik and I owned. Erik promised me that when things settle down he would build an addition onto our home, which would be a library!

Now, Erik stood from the bench and I glanced up to him. "I'll be right back, my love" he said, bending down and kissing me, like before, he still never missed a chance to show me how much he loved me and cared for me. He, apparently, was aware of how many women are neglected by their husbands due to their children, somehow, Erik was able to handle (not only handle, but keep us happy) all three of us girls and still remain calm! I sighed happily and bit my bottom lip as he walked away, with Mimi, to a small ice cream stand; I grinned. Emily was fast asleep in my arms, she liked sleeping, she also liked Pierre's little stuffed elephant and wouldn't leave our home without it!

Her little fingers were so pudgy and warm and her stomach poked out; she was a chubby little baby, save her face. Erik was sure she would lose her excess baby fat in a few years; I smiled down to her and her left eye twitched, she yawned and turned over in my arms, squishing closer to my chest. To be a mother is one of the most tricky, time-consuming, painful things on this earth, but, my god, is it rewarding! To hold something so beautiful, that you and the one person you love the most upon this earth created, to feel the up and down motion of it's chest, to smile against it's warmth when it cuddles up to you at night, to know that it is yours and yours alone is something more rewarding than any job or position; it's more rewarding than life itself, because, it is life. I sat back on the bench and sighed, cradling Emily close I watched as Erik and Mimi returned, Mimi was licking a strawberry ice cream cone and Erik held vanilla and chocolate ice cream cones; vanilla for he, and chocolate for me.

Mimi sat before Erik, on the ground and ate her ice cream whilst he sat back on the bench with me, eating his own, smiling at me. "What?" I asked as I bit into my chocolate ice cream cone; he shook his head and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, kissing my cheek with his cold lips. I giggled and Mimi grinned from the ground. I bit once again into my ice cream and felt something irregular sit upon my tongue; I smiled and handed sleeping Emily to Erik and took the object out of my mouth to see a ring!

I started laughing and Erik knelt down on the ground before me. "Persephone, I love you, will you marry me?" He asked holding Emily in one arm and my hand in the other (he gave his ice cream to Mimi who took a bite out of it).

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