Last Ditch Effort?

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Chapter Twenty Eight: Last Ditch Effort?

--Eight Months Later--

--* I laid on Erik's chest as we sat beneath a great tree in Jardin des Tuileries; the sun was warm but a slight breeze blew through Paris and cooled us off, quite odd for the month of July! A few clouds floated uncaringly in the sky as the side of our checkered picnic blanket was blown up from the side, by the wind. I smiled and sighed and Erik patted my substantially grown stomach; the last eight months he mostly hid me down in the fifth cellar, for fear of me being taken away again. I didn't blame him, I didn't like having a half muddled brain and being taken miles away from him; at the mercy of a murderer.

This was one of the first times we had gotten out of the Palais Garnier and into the world of Paris, in the past eight months.

As I look back in my journal I realized I left off at quite an intense part; the taking off of Erik's mask! Well, whomever is reading this, I mustn't lie to you, so, here is the truth, I didn't see it. I never opened my eyes. Here is how the rest of that scene unfolded:

--*"W-Why aren't you looking at me?" Erik asked breathlessly, as I had stolen all of his breath with the surprise kiss.

"I'm not going to look at you without your permission" I said softly, he sniffled and kissed all over my face; he cleared his throat and he sighed.

"Okay, open your eyes, angel" said he, and so, I did; I opened my eyes and he was turned away from me with his mask in hand. He turned half way to me and jumped from the bed "no! I cannot!" He yelled, hurriedly replacing his mask upon his face. "I cannot face you..." he whispered, turning to me pitifully, his bottom lip quivering. "I can't let something so beautiful become so tainted at seeing such a monstrosity as I" he whispered, gently touching my cheek. I kissed his hand and layed my head against it.

"You are no monster; there is no hurry to show me your don't have to at all. It's completely your decision, but, the Daroga said...he said that whatever you look like...the baby will too" I said and Erik fell to his knees, his mouth gaping and tears welling in his eyes; he fell to his bum and sat against the bed, covering his head in his hands. I slid off of the bed and sat by his side, hugging him and kissing his hands.

"This is why I was so apprehensive about children, Persephone...I...I passed on my deformity--"

"No, no, you didn't. The Daroga said it would be because of the hallucinogens, apparently" I said with a pause and a smile "skin deformities do not pass on from parent to wasn't you, Erik, it wasn't you" I assured, smiling and hugging him again; he kissed the top of my head and sighed, holding me close.  

--* Now, I gasped as I felt a slight kick inside of my stomach. "Did you feel that?" I asked Erik excitedly, he smiled and nodded, I giggled and laid back again; smiling from ear to ear.

Over the past eight months Abelia was promoted to lead soprano and Jocelynn was the stand--in Primadonna. Jocelynn was good, not great, but good; I couldn't wait until I took back over the role.

 Abelia surprised everyone with being perfectly well in the role of lead soprano, she outshined Jocelynn on stage! Erik and I would often watch the show from box five, along with little Ayesha.

Ayesha had taken a liking to Erik and followed him wherever he went! It was so adorable, to me, to see him striding into the living room or bedroom, a songbook at his side, and little Ayesha leaping after him; grabbing at his heels with her tiny paws. Sometimes she would be successful and latch onto his leg, climbing up his trousers and, with his help, making it up to his shoulder and sitting happily. Sometimes she would look to me and meow, I would sware I saw a smile upon her miniature mouth! Other times, when she wasn't successful, she would fall to the ground and I would giggle; Erik would usually turn around and lift her off of the ground with one hand and place her on his shoulder.

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