The End?

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Chapter Fifty One: The End?

--* I stood upon the branch of the iron tree and beat the ceiling with my hands, having several flashbacks of when William came after Pierre and I; I cringed at thinking of William again and beat harder against the ceiling, finally, one of the tiles jiggled and I grinned. However, it mattered not how much I beat it, it couldn't come loose! So, I laid back on the branch of the iron tree and kicked it with all of my might, at one point, the tile did break, but, it broke into little shards which ended up stabbing my foot. I cried out and yanked my foot back down to me as soil and tiny rocks rained down upon me, stinging my skin and soiling my nightgown; slipping beneath my clothes and into my mouth. After the rain of gravel ended, I spit and hopefully got all of the gravel out of my mouth, turning to my aching foot; blood was leaking from the wounds and slowly, dripping down the iron tree.

Carefully, shard by shard, I yanked them out of my foot; gasping at the sudden pain. After my foot was clear of shards I heaved myself up, balancing on my healthy foot and peeking into the tunnel to see that it was nearly cleared out! I placed my hands on the inside of the tunnel and pulled myself up, causing my arms to tremble beneath my weight; I must've gained a few pounds since birthing Annabella! The tunnel was dark and humid; heat rises and, since I opened up that tile, some of the heat could escape through the tunnel, causing the tunnel to heat as well. As I crawled I continuously stepped on my nightgown and tripped myself, causing myself to fall forwards, onto my face.

My foot was only but a dull pain now as I dragged it along behind me; the lack of fresh air in the tunnel was stifling and my lungs felt as if they were compressed, it was the same sensation I was given when I wore a corset. I was forced to take short, quick breaths as I continued down the tunnel, stretching an arm out before me every so often to check if I was nearing the end or not. When I reached out my arm again, I felt it, it was a wet, thick wall of compacted dirt and sediment. "What?" I whispered; now, I beat against it with both of my hands, but it wouldn't budge.

I clawed at the compacted dirt, hell, I even bit at it! But it seemed that Erik glued it all together; it wouldn't budge even in the least. I laid back, staring up at the ceiling with the feeling of a hole in my chest; I wasn't going to get out, I couldn't get out...I was....I was going to die. I shook my head and pushed myself up, crawling back to the torture chamber and poking my head out, thankfully, the air hadn't yet been turned putrid with the Persian's corpse; I breathed in deeply as tears formed in my eyes, I didn't want to die, I had two little girls, a husband, and a cat I needed to care for! I was the Primadonna, my best friend was pregnant and more than likely with an abusive partner, someone would have to look after her!

I climbed down, out of the hole and stared at the mirrors before getting an idea. I rushed over to the Persian's body, cringing as I stepped in his blood, and unhooked the spike which he himself plunged into his throat; I groaned and clenched my eyes shut, whimpering as I yanked the device out of the Persian's neck and blood sheeted my hands like cerise gloves. I bit my bottom lip and carefully took the device over to a mirror and held it behind my head like someone would hold a bat; clenching my eyes shut I threw the device at the mirror and it shattered. Mirror pieces flew every which way and I grimaced, looking down to see that I practically had the entire mirror embedded in my legs! I turned away from my legs to see that, indeed, the mirror was smashed to bits, but behind it was only an iron wall; sighing, I tip toed as much as I could over the shards and retrieved the spike.

I threw the spike at every single mirror in that chamber, but not one of them reveled the doorway!

I hung my head and remembered, Erik fitted the door with iron incase this very scenario happened; I closed my eyes and I do believe I fell asleep sitting upright! For when I woke again, I woke to the abhorrent smell of putrefaction; the Persian's body was decomposing. I coughed and covered my mouth and nose, hurrying as much as I could to the walls and banging on them with one hand, maybe, maybe the mirrors were stopping the sound; maybe they could hear me now! I banged and I gave the best screams I could, but my vocal chords were shriveling. I didn't want to die.

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