His Angel of Music

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Chapter Six: His Angel of Music

--* I woke to feel something on me, it was light, and, as I grasped it, I found that it was warm and fabricated. I groaned softly and stretched, yawning and opening my eyes to see lit candles placed around box five. I sat up and found that I was covered by a blanket of some sort---no, no it wasn't a blanket.

It was a cloak!

I sat up to feel something on my head, I moved my hand up to my head to feel a hat; I pulled it off and recognized it as the hat the man wore! The man from behind the chandelier! I smiled and placed the hat back on my head; in this moment I heard scuffling by the door and remembered my predicament. I would have to sit in box five for years!


I stood and wrapped the man's cloak around me, it was strangely cold inside the box. I walked to the front of the opera box and peeked out from behind one of the red, velvet curtains to see the that the entire amphitheater was dark! The moon shone through the windows, and, by it's height, I figured it was midnight or thereabout. I peeked down, below the opera box to see two of Firmin's 'goons' as I call them; they were big, muscular men who could crush someone like me at a moments notice. I shivered at the thought of waking them.

I paced for a while, letting the access fabric of the man's cloak drag behind me; the man was at least a foot and a few inches taller than me, based on the length of fabric that I tried to pick up off of the floor. The man's head was also a bit bigger than mine, his hat kept falling down, over my eyes. I placed the rose in the velvet seat so it would stay safe. I heard a light chuckle as I attempted to pick up the dragging fabric and hold it as I paced, but, that did not turn out so well, I dropped it and almost fell. I heard more scuffling outside of the door and Firmin yawned "Persephone, please, I beg of you, come out" said he, I worked up a little courage and confronted him.

"Why? What will you do to me? Will you try to kill me like that man did yesterday morning?" I growled, taking a step towards the door.

"What in the devil are you talking about, Persephone? I've never sent anyone to try and kill you" Firmin explained, I rolled my eyes.

"It's easy to lie behind closed doors, Firmin"

"Persephone, I did not send anyone to kill you, that much you should know is truth just from my voice" Firmin said in calm frustration. I walked right up to the door and saw an opportunity I couldn't pass up.

"But, I don't know you Firmin, I don't know anything about you. I don't know what you're like, I don't know your talents, I don't know your skills...I don't know you." I said calmly, smiling, giving Firmin a taste of his own medicine. Firmin sighed in exasperation and hit his head against the door.

"Very good, Persephone, I see that you're intelligent and you have a very good memory, just, let me in" said he, he sounded weary; his reply shocked me. I expected him to explode with anger and attempt to boot the door down again, this was a pleasant surprise. 

"And what, dear uncle, will you do if I do, indeed, open the door?" I asked, I heard him cringe as I called him 'uncle'. Firmin sighed.

"Nothing" he said in a defeated tone. "I will do nothing, however, in the morning, if La Carlotta finds that you are still not locked up here she will request a fight." Firmin finished, I smiled.

"La Carlotta wants a fight?" I asked, unlatching the door and opening it to see Firmin, his hair was messy and his clothes matched. His hair was pointing all ways and his shirt was half way tucked into his trousers, his jacket laid limply on him. "I'll give her a war" I finished, my eyes narrowing. 

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