I Love You

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Hey guys! Sorry if I don't update as often now, the rehearsals are running four days a week and it's quite hard to write; especially since I'm getting home at six o'clock at night and have to take a shower, make my lunch, do homework and go to bed in a timely manner. So, if I don't get chapters out as fast, pray, don't become frustrated with me; it would make my life so much easier. Enjoy this chapter, au revoir!

Chapter Twenty Nine: I Love You

--* My foul mood hadn't dwindled much since we returned from the park, so, it wasn't any surprise to me when the page boy held out the letter, how I snatched it from his hand and cursed Christine Daae under my breath. Formerly, she was my idol. Her voice was so clear and true; she was so honest and kind; hell, she even acted as a mother to me, if even a bit. But then, when I saw her lips stitched to Erik's, I saw what a snake was hidden beneath her facade of honesty and caring.

What really lit my anger aflame was her utter lack of respect for my choices.

Perhaps she was ignorant, but she wasn't totally oblivious. Several times before had I said to her how much I loved Erik; but, she didn't care.

Just because she didn't love Erik, doesn't mean that I don't love him.

It means she wasn't the right one for him, it means that she needs to go to Raoul and leave us alone.

Oh, I am terribly sorry for the rant; but, when I saw that little wave Christine gave to me, and the wink she gave to Erik, I felt I would surely explode! And, I can't vent to Erik; not right now. I understood that he was going through terrible emotions as of those moments and to vent about my distaste to the Viscontess would surely send him over the edge.

Erik and I were silently traveling down to the fifth cellar; I walked before him, holding the lanturn tight in my grasp, and the note in the other. In these moments, I made a comparison between Erik and William (and Christine and myself).

We were in different circumstances, but, the same situation; just with a few more obsticles thrown into the mix.  

William is what I compared to the past Erik.


Beneath William's mask of confidence there sits a broken man; desperate for the tiniest crumb of affection. In the past, Erik was that way; save, in the stead of confidence, there was anger. William and Erik aren't that different.

Christine and I were and are thrown into difficult situations. Christine loved Roaul, beyond a doubt; like I love Erik. However, with Christine, there was always that nagging doubt of love to Erik; with me, it is the nagging doubt of William. There are few differences in our situations, for example, I am pregnant and, with Christine, Erik faded away from her.

William, however, is a bit more stubborn (which, I didn't believe was achieveable).

Erik and I were in the second cellar and he cleared his throat; pausing my thoughts. Then, he spoke: "Persephone..?" Asked he, I grunted, the odious feelings were diminishing, however, they clung fast to me. Erik sighed and he gently grasped my shoulder, turning me towards him and pulling me into a hug. "...I love you" he said in a whisper; I closed my eyes and sighed, enfolding my arms around him and enjoying the little warmth his body gave off.

"I love you too" I said at length, begining again. "What did Christine say?"

"Nothing out--of--the--ordinary; she spoke of William plenty. General small talk" he answered, but, there was something in his voice that told me he was hiding something. I sighed, and heard footsteps approching behind us; fast footsteps.

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