Stag Night

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Chapter Seventeen: Stag Night

--* I could say that my Opera Ghost and I danced the night away, I could say that I had the most perfect birthday ever. I could say no one died, I could venture to say those things into fooling you all my birthday had a non-mental ending. But, that wouldn't be fair, now would it? I have been truthful up to this point and I must continuously do so; even if the truth is hard to bare. Oh, what a birthday it was!

My Opera Ghost and I did continue to dance, twirling and spinning about the lobby; giggling and laughing. He even threw me up into the air, making sure to catch me when gravity decided to push me back down to earth. And then, as we danced, William decided to show his face again; he was pale and appeared ill, distantly holding the rose that I threw back to him before him, he stared at it hopelessly and fell down into a chair; I could feel the weight of his broken heart lying on my shoulders. My Opera Ghost saw me looking over at William and he turned me away, putting himself in the way of my vision towards William. He didn't speak about William, not a word; I figured he was being gentlemanly.

My Opera Ghost was always quite fair and honest. He would never speak of anyone behind their back, he wouldn't lie (he just wouldn't say anything about the topic), and, being considerate, he wouldn't usually talk of subjects that wounded the person at that time (ex. William). Having said this, it didn't surprise me that he didn't mention anything of William as he blocked my view. I smiled to him, my hands were together, behind his neck and his hands laid limply around my waist; this was a little difficult considering how tall he is and how short I am! For more than half of the song I had to remain on my tippy-toes so that he wouldn't have to bend down so much.

We quietly laughed at each other before he led me to a table, sitting down in a chair and placing me on his lap. My head laid against his chest and I twirled his black tie around my index finger; his eyes were soft as he kissed my head. "This is the best birthday ever" said I, smiling to him, he smiled back.

"Only the best for my Angel of Music" he said softly, placing his masked cheek against my forehead. Now, all of those terrible things William said that my Opera Ghost did returned to my thoughts, I sighed and shrugged them off; he was probably only lying to separate me from my Opera Ghost...well, there is no way in hell that's happening! "What's wrong, my angel?" My Opera Ghost said abruptly, ending my mental rant. Apparently, I had a sour look to my face and that alerted him.

"Nothing, my's nothing." I said, my Opera Ghost gave me a frank look and I smiled.

"Please, Persephone, something's been bothering you all night; pray, tell me what it is so I can fix it and make your birthday even more perfect" said he, gingerly touching my jawline and rubbing my cheek. I smiled again, I couldn't not smile at him....he was perfect.

"'ll not be happy." Said I, with lack of better words; he smiled.

"I'll be fine, angel, I usually am; aren't I?"

"You are! You usually are...but...he made some...very...very big accusations towards you; I think they're just lies...and they'll only get you angry. I think he lied to me just to separate me from you...I mean, I saw a little box in his pocket and he was extremely nervous and hinted to marriage and--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa" my Opera Ghost said, chuckling "pray be a bit more specific as to whom and what accusations...and then we'll worry about everything else" said he, I nodded, sighed, and explained everything to him, including my feelings towards the little box and my fury. My Opera Ghost's eyes darkened and he stared at William; I turned to see William with tears on the sides of his eyes! He still clutched the rose, but now, he stood and went back up to the roof; wiping his eyes as he did so. My Opera Ghost stood and placed me back in the chair. "Opera Ghost!"

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