Just An Infatuated Fan?

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Chapter Eleven: Just An Infatuated Fan?

--* When I woke the Opera Ghost was already gone, though, a warm breakfast awaited me on the counter. I missed my Opera Ghost, I wanted to hold him close to me again; I always felt safer in his arms. The morning was normal, save, all of my servants outfits were gone and in their stead were beautiful dresses I would expect to see grace La Carlotta!

Gems that had to be worth thousands (if not millions) of pounds hung in my wardrobe...mine!

I had to check a few times to make sure I fell asleep in the right bedroom!

Pinned to one of my dresses was a note, a note written in my Opera Ghost's hand! It runs thus:

'Seeing as you have a new role, you also get new garments. Take these in complement of Monsieur Firmin's purse; I await the moment they grace you, my angel.'

I giggled and twirled, falling back onto my bed and holding the note, kissing it a few times. Wait a moment 'a new role'? A new role!

I was Primadonna! I was sure of it!

I jumped up and hurriedly read over the note once more, almost screaming in complete and utter joy! I ran to the wardrobe and a lilac dress with powder blue and black lacing caught my eye; I giggled in exuberance the entire time I dressed!

--* That day I adorned the necklace and earrings the Opera Ghost gave to me, just like on La Carlotta's birthday, they didn't seem out--of--place; they looked normal! But I, I on the other hand felt royal! I had never been around so many expensive things before! I smiled proudly as I reached the surface; I walked--no, no--more like strutted over to the opera boxes. I ran up the stairs to box five and flung the door open, there was a masculine figure sitting in a velvet chair.

The figure didn't even have time to turn around before I was upon him! I tackled him and connected our lips, smiling afterwards and placing my head upon his chest. "My Opera Ghost" I whispered, I smiled up to him and that's when I had the most embarrassing moment of my life.

That wasn't the Opera Ghost.

It was Monsieur William Alexander de Chagny.

I gasped and sat up apologizing multiple times. "I am so, so, so sorry! I t-thought you were someone else, I--"

"Thought I was the...uh...the what, exactly?" Monsieur William asked, he was dressed in a black evening suit and his cheeks were pale, but his lips were pink. He looked flustered from my unexpected attack, but, he attempted to make it out to be not a major problem.

"Uh...the Opera...Opera Ghost" I said, feeling my cheeks turn cherry red, William nodded and now turned to my dress, his eyes bulged.

"Wow....you look....wow" he said, he held himself up by his elbows and I sat on his knees.

"Oh, uh, thank you...I found them this morning...my Opera Ghost gave them to me" I said with a smile, William nodded.

"And, now, uh, who is this Opera Ghost?"

"Oh! He's wonderful! He's really, very smart and strong, well, strong enough to carry me, anyways. He's protective and very thoughtful; he's a complete gentleman...he's funny and romantic and just...all around fantastic." I said, there was something in William's eyes that sparked my curiosity, it appeared to be jealousy, but, wasn't very strong as jealousy normally is.

"Ah, he seems like a...a good man. But, pray tell, why do you call him 'Opera Ghost'?" William asked, sitting up, forcing me into his lap.

"He told me to call him that"

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