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Before this begins, some of you had questions as to where La Carlotta was from and what ethnicity she is. Well, in the original Gaston Leroux novel and the 2004 movie with Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum, she is Spanish. In the book, Gaston says she is from Spain and in the movie the managers, Moncharmin and Firmin, call her 'senora' more than once. But, in terms of the musical, she is Italian. I don't know why Andrew switched her from Spanish to Italian, back to Spanish, but, whatever it is, it made for some great entertainment! I mean, come on, you have to admit we all love making fun of the great La Carlotta...cro-ak!

Chapter Seven: Primadonnas

--* To-day, was the day of La Carlotta's birth, and she wouldn't let anyone forget it. To-day was also the day we were supposed to have a singing competition, but, Firmin pushed it off, due to the grand ball that would be held in La Carlotta's honor. I hurried to the kitchen, tying on my apron; only to see that the cake was finished! It was just as glamorous as I imagined it! "Hamish, this is...wonderful, beautiful, oh, this is amazing!"

I cried, running to him and smiling, he smiled wearily, there were dark rings around his eyes and the front of his white, chef's jacket was turned almost completely pink from where he wiped his hands! "Ah, thank you, bella princesa, the others and I worked on it all night; I have gotten no sleep!" He cried, throwing his hands up in the air and sighing "but look at her, woo wee! Look at her! She's quite the eye catcher, eh?"

Hamish asked, motioning to the cake, I smiled and nodded. "I've never seen a more beautiful cake, Hamish, this is quite the achievement" I said, Hamish grinned.

"No, princesa, an achievement was my fourth Michelin star, this, this cake, this is a feat! A feat of ingenuity! Seven tiers, no one has done that before, princesa, no one! It is magnificent!" He cried, I smiled and patted his back.

"You are quite the thinker, Hamish" I assured, he bowed and we all (being the chefs and I) laughed. In this moment the door was opened and in walked Firmin, escorting La Carlotta.

"...And here is your cake!" He cried in excitement, La Carlotta looked hardly amused. Her eyes traveled down the cake, and directly to me.

"Ah, servant girl, have you meddled with my cake? Huh? Slipped something in so I can't sing?" She asked, a grin on her face.

"Oh, no, I would never dream of it, La Carlotta, I am no cheater." I countered, she smiled.

"You've got guts, servant girl, I'll give you that" she murmured, looking over her cake. She nodded "I guess it's good enough" she added, stealing a banana flower and chomping down on it, winking to Hamish and leaving with Firmin. As soon as they left Hamish grasped his chest where his heart was and fell backwards.

"Hamish!" I cried, diving down to catch him, the other chefs reacted as well and helped me pull Hamish to a chair where we attempted to calm him down. "Hamish? Hamish, are you alright? Here, someone, get him some water."

I said, taking off my apron and fanning him as one of his chefs named Mercutio filled a clear glass up with cold water, I thanked him and put it to Hamish's lips; Hamish drank half of the glass before he came out of shock! I sat next to Hamish, when, all of a sudden, he grasped my collar and yanked me down to him, our faces were only two inches apart. "Crush her, Persephone, sing her out of the building and I swear I will make cumin pies and we will throw them at her face...agreed?" Said Hamish, I smiled and nodded, he nodded and let me go "good...good" he said softly, almost like he was talking to himself.

--* After that incident I went looking for Abelia, who was in the ball room, standing on a large ladder, putting up decorations. I stood back and watched for a few moments, smiling as she cheered; I called her name, and I swear I've never seen someone climb down a ladder as fast as she did!

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