Kittens, Kittens Everywhere!

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Chapter Forty Four: Kittens, Kittens Everywhere!

--* Erik and I lounged upon the couch together; listening to a work by Mozart, but, I had forgotten which one. Erik had told me twice now the name, but, I was just so tired I forgot...again! I sighed and glanced up to Erik. "Sweetie, I...I've come upon the decision that after this pregnancy is dealt with...I don't want to have any more children" said I, Erik sat up beside me, his face turned pale and he grasped my hands.

"A-Are you sure? That's a....a big thing to decide....alone" said he, I paused and sighed.

"Oh, Erik, I'm so sorry! I should've, but, I guess, isn't this what that is? I'm...I'm talking to you about it" I said, yawning afterwards. Erik smiled and kissed my hands.

"I guess so, angel." He said, sighing. He appeared discontent as his lips struggled to form a smile and his eyes ached where he let his heart not. He kissed my hands several more times and I took my hands from his; throwing them around him.

"Forget anything I said; we can have as many as you want." I whispered into his ear; Erik never asked for much, and, when he did ask for something, I would do anything to do/buy whatever it was that he wanted. Erik chuckled and sighed.

"I'm sorry, angel, it's just that...I've always wanted a child of my own, but, as you know I was too afraid to try, for, I thought my...disfiguration would pass along to the child. And, when you had Pierre I...I loved the feeling of being a father; to have someone to teach how to play the piano and violin, to invent things with and..." Erik trailed off and sighed. "I would like that feeling again...very much. Even if it is only one more time" he finished; I nodded and hugged him once more.

"One last time" I whispered and he hugged me tightly; he grunted as he lifted me from the couch. I giggled. "Where are we going?" I asked with another yawn.

"To bed, you can barely keep your eyes open!" Said he with a laugh, I smiled and rested my head against his shoulder; sighing in satisfaction.

--* In the middle of the night Erik and I were awoken by horrid screaming! But, it wasn't human screaming. I grasped Erik's arm and hid behind him as the screaming became louder; Erik slowly left the bed and cautiously walked into the living room, Punjab lasso in hand. He turned on a gas light and began laughing; he turned away from the hallway and laughed his way back into our bedroom. "What? What is it, Erik?" I asked, crawling out from beneath the warm, cotton covers.

"Ayesha!" He replied, wiping a tear from his eye, then, he paused and hurried back out of the threshold; disappearing to the left of the door. I jumped out of bed, wearing only a nightgown that ran a little below my knees, and hurried into the hallway to see Ayesha laying upon her side; mewling haplessly. Her stomach had doubled in size since I last saw her! Erik sighed and smiled to me.

"I need a blanket that can be ruined and two towels; little Ayesha's going to have kittens" he said calmly, I paused before rushing to go get the appointed objects; we never let her out of the house, ever, so, how was she pregnant? I saved the question for Erik, and, as I retrieved the towels from my and Erik's master bathroom, I glanced up to find a black cat with neon green eyes sitting upon my vanity; as I stared at the cat it turned its head to the side and meowed at me.

"Erik!" I yelled


"I found the father" I said, the cat jumped off of my vanity and Ayesha screamed; the black cat rushed down the hallway and I turned, holding the towels to see Erik gently stroking Ayesha; whispering calming words to her, though, I doubted she could understand them. The male, black cat sat behind Ayesha and licked her face; I brought in the towels and blankets and gave them to Erik who set them down beside him. He laid out the blanket and, as easily and gently as he could, he lifted Ayesha from the ground and placed her on the blanket; the black cat followed after her and laid down behind her, resting his head on her back. Erik handed me a towel and smiled, glancing at my appearance; I looked past him and to a mirror to find that the entirety of my hair, where I laid upon my pillow, was sticking up in large knots! My bangs were also poofed up and I had the overall look of a poodle!

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