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Chapter Forty Eight: Parenting

Two weeks later...

--* Erik and I worked in the latter torture chamber, he had dismantled all of the torturous devices and was in the process of taking down the mirrors whilst I was busy painting the walls pink. The girls sat in their bedroom (the old Louis--Philippe room) and played with little unicorn toys we had gotten them at a small yard sale. Annabelle was much better now, she only had two nightmares since we returned from that strange old woman's home. The old woman had sighed after I asked what the therapy would consist of; she sipped her tea and sighed again. "Well, mademoiselle, I must take your daughter into a different room and we'll talk about her dreams, then, I'll speak with Pierre and put Annabelle to sleep, where, if Pierre is still there, I can address the dreams at once and get rid of them."

The woman explained; I nodded. "Can one of us go in with her?" I asked and the old woman smiled.

"Of course! Of course! However, I think I may need Erik for this procedure, so, you can sit here with the cakes and Mimi and we'll be back in a bit" the woman said, standing; Erik stood as well and kissed my forehead, attempting to take Annabelle from my lap, but, she hung on tightly.

"Mummy, I wan' mummy!" Annabelle cried, squeezing her eyes shut and wrapping her legs around my torso as well; I smiled, I wanted to go in with Annabelle too.

"Why can't I go in?" I asked, running my fingers through Annabelle's hair and rubbing her back comfortingly.

"The procedure usually works better when a male is in the room, don't ask me why, it just does." The old woman said; I looked to Erik and then to my little girl, she was terrified.

"Oh, baby, it'll be okay, daddy's going to be there; he'll hold your hand and cuddle you, won't you, daddy?" I asked, both Annabelle and I turned to Erik who nodded his head.

"Of course I will" he said, kissing Annabelle's cheek. "I won't let anything hurt you, Annie" said he, smiling softly to her, a smile that always melted my heart. Annabelle looked confused and she pulled herself closer to me.

"Bof' mummy and daddy be 'der?" Annabelle asked, she looked behind her and pointed to Mimi. "An' sissy?" I smiled and realized how good of an idea that was! We were a family, and we should help her, as a family.

"What a wonderful idea, darling." Said I, smiling to her and staring up at the old woman, she sighed and, when Annabelle turned a small smile was sketched upon her face; she nodded and Annabelle hugged me tighter, standing up on my lap and giving me a wet kiss on the cheek. She hadn't grasped the concept of puckering one's lips yet. 

~~ Within moments we were in a different room, it was a large, living space with a black fainting couch, a black wingback chair and a black couch all atop a black, purple, and red silken rug, sitting before a red, brick fireplace where a fire roared inside; bringing the room to a toasty temperature. The panther followed us. Annabelle had to lay on the fainting couch whilst Erik, Mimi and I all sat on the couch; the panther jumped on the couch and curled up beside me, placing its chin on my leg and closing its eyes. The old woman sat in the wingback chair with an emerald green notebook in hand. The old woman put on her reading glasses and began talking with Annabelle about her dreams, it was everything Pierre experienced.

She even explained saving me from William's house, and, in detail, told us all what I looked like due to my self harm. Mimi sat on my lap, tears in her eyes and she buried her face into my shoulder as the panther purred happily and Erik put his arms around us; assuring us that he was there. Annabelle talked extremely quickly about all of her dreams, and, the old woman struggled to copy them all down in a timely manner! When Annabelle finally stopped for breath the old woman nodded. "Little Pierre's been feeding you all of his memories in attempts to communicate with your mummy and daddy" the old woman said, looking to Annabelle, the old woman turned to Mimi who had calmed and now addressed her.

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