Little Black Book

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Chapter Thirty Eight: Little Black Book

--* Within moments, it seemed, we were back in our home upon the lake, sitting peacefully in the Louis--Philippe room; staring at each other. Then, Pierre jumped down from his seat and ran to me again, hugging me despite the dried blood. "Mummy and daddy won't ever leave you, alright? Now, you must promise to do the same" said I, holding him away; he nodded quickly.

"I sware I won't, not ever again!" He cried, squirming back onto my lap and hugging me tightly; almost to the point of asphyxiation! I wrapped my arms around his torso and held him, not as tightly as he held me, however.

"Go hug your father" I whispered into his ear; he nodded and mercifully let go, hurrying over to Erik and squeezing him tightly. I smiled, those were my men.

My men.

No one would hurt them, or I would be sure to not just play mummy lion.

But Satan as well.

--* I left to take a bath and Erik slowly followed me; he liked to take baths with me, though, he would often fall asleep in the middle of them. Usually, I took that opportunity to make a bubble beard or something to that equivalent upon his face. But, by the time we were both in the bath and I laid on his chest, the door opened and Pierre hurried inside! I gasped in surprise and Erik shielded me ever more from our son's innocent eyes. "Pierre!

What's the matter?" Erik asked quickly, holding his arm around me.

"I-I was alone...and...I got scared. I-I heard noises, a-and I thought they were coming for me again" said he nervously, stumbling over his words and biting his bottom lip; a habit which he picked up from carefully observing me, no doubt.

"Oh, sweetie.." I whispered; I glanced up to Erik and Pierre came further into the WC, sitting upon the ground near the small sink. Erik sighed and stood, forcing me to cover myself; he then stepped out of the tub and dried, pulling on a pair of fresh clothes and turning to Pierre.

"Come, let us leave mummy to take her bath; god knows she needs one" said he, I scowled at him and he winked to me as he opened the door for Pierre and followed after him. I smiled and glanced down, he was right.

The water that I sat in was a muted wine colour, and, my pale skin contrasted this, causing me to see even more bleached than I actually was! I sighed and, as I washed myself, I thought of Pierre's reaction and his barging in; regularly, Pierre would never do that. Pierre knew boundaries and was a complete gentleman, mimicking his father; however, I realized that this episode traumatized him, and, rightfully so! I held my head and felt the soap that clung to my hair squish against the side of the tub, I knew I would have to have a heart--to--heart with little Pierre and tell him about my incident. Then, Erik and I would talk him through it, and, if we couldn't do that, we would hire a therapist and take him often on fun days of being in the park and cuddle together at night; before going to bed.

But, first, Erik and I needed to know what happened.

--* I got out of the bath and Pierre sat at the little table in the Louis Philippe room, writing something down in a small, black book. Erik was sat on the couch, massaging his forehead and rubbing his right eye; his left was covered by his mask, which, he refused to remove before Pierre. As I walked closer to the threshold Pierre's head snapped to attention and his eyes were wild with fear; I smiled pitifully when I saw him, and, when he saw me, he relaxed his shoulders and back and his eyelids drooped again. "Mummy, we were just speaking of you! Well, more like father was blathering on about how beautifully your eyes sparkle in the stage lights but...same difference" said Pierre, I laughed and sat down on the couch, next to Erik. 

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