The Angel's Disrepute

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Chapter Thirty One: The Angel's Disrepute

--* I sighed, William was quite close, but, his back was to Pierre and I.

William walked with Raoul, but, Christine was no where in sight. Indeed, after a few moments observing them I found they were alone. Pierre gasped and I snapped to attention. "What is it, my son?" I asked, Pierre turned to me with sparkling black eyes and pointed to a man playing the piano; he was allowing people to play if they paid a small fee!

"Please, oh, mummy, please? If I play, will you sing?" Asked Pierre, devouring his ice cream.

"I don't know, Pierre..." I said, glancing back over to William who was engaged in conversation with his uncle.

"Oh, please, mummy!" Pierre cried, sitting upon is knees and giving me the 'puppy dog' face, widening his eyes and sticking out his lower lip. I smiled and dug in my pocket, pulling out the appointed money and handing it to him; with laughter of joy he helped me up from my seat beneath the tree and led me over to the man with the piano. The man that sat at the piano was elderly with snow white hair and glazed, green eyes; his smile, however, couldn't be brighter!

"Bonjour, young man! Have you come to listen to me play?" The only man asked, addressing Pierre who was grinning from ear to ear and grasping my hand tightly with stifled excitement.

"No, monsieur, I was wondering if I could play myself! A-And my mummy sing too!" Pierre cried, letting go of my hand but clenching the money. The old man laughed and slowly stood, motioning to the piano; Pierre jumped in the seat and set the money in a small bucket, he looked to me. "What would you like to sing, mummy?" Asked he, I smiled and brought my hands together before me.

"What would you like to play, Pierre?"

"Well...father's been teaching me a song...a song he said was your debut song...a song, he said, made the angels pause their singing and hiss in disrepute; for, your voice soared so high and with such a methodic cascade that no one, not even the angels could wish to reach that tone and level of fairness. He said that your voice of divinity could only hope to be matched by masterfully cunning hands; and so, here I'll try....I'll make father proud" Pierre said, his smile hanging the sun. My eyes filled with tears both at Erik's words and at Pierre's proposition; I rushed to my son and hugged him tightly.

"Oh, Pierre.." I whispered, sniffling. "You don't understand of how proud he and I are of you...we were always proud of you, my son. And we will always be proud of you." Said I, kissing the child's cheek and backing away, wiping my eyes and nodding to Pierre. "Let us begin then" said I, standing before the piano and sighing.

Pierre nodded happily and his fingers, which were slightly longer than normal, but, no where near as long as his father's, glided over the ebony keyboard before him; starting the tune to 'Think of Me'.

I smiled as I allowed my vocal chords to ring out the lyrics to the wonderful song to the world; as I sang, I noticed a crowd begin to gather, and, in that crowd was William and his uncle, Raoul. William's eyes sparkled as Pierre's eyes sparkled not moments before! William seemed to be in a daze, a smile spread across his face and in his eyes I spotted absence....and love.

Little Pierre played the song perfectly! He hit every note to a tee! At the end of the song I ran to him and enveloped him in a hug. "I love you, Pierre, always know that. Mummy and daddy love you" I whispered, Pierre chuckled as the crowd around us screamed and cheered.

"I know, mummy, and I love you too" said he, hugging me tighter. Oh, what ever did I do to end up with such a wonderful son as he?

As moments passed the crowd dissipated and all that were left was William, Raoul, Pierre and I (and the old man). William stepped forwards, he was still in his daze. He knelt down to one knee and took up my hand, kissing all over my palm, all the way down my fingers! Pierre narrowed his eyes at this new man, for, I had never disclosed to him who William was. "Oh, Persephone, that are always have been and always will be" said William, smiling up to me, still upon his knee.

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