Poor Fool, She Makes Me Laugh!

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Okie dokie, did last chapter confuse anyone? A show of hands? Ah, I see a few. It will all come in due time, dear readers; though, I gave plenty of hints! I'll even name a few to help you out.

Firmin's drinking, 'loss of hope for innocence', and her shaking badly; help anyone? Still a little confused? As I've said before, due time. Then again, it makes me giggle how some couldn't get that very last hint I threw in there! I was sure the surprise would be blown by now!

But, apparently, the cat is still in the bag and hiding quite nicely, I presume. To those who are still a bit boggled, I encourage you to glance back at the last paragraphs of 'A Competition of Sorts' (the latter chapter) and think on them...think on them hard. Then again, I do realize that some of you on here are not familiar with slang terms and so I would be happy to oblige you via PM message if you still do not quite fully grasp it; this is, if you want to spoil my end surprise!

Chapter Ten: Poor Fool, She Makes Me Laugh!

--* "How do you know of that day? How do you know so many specifics of that day? You were never in contact with mother" I said breathlessly, Firmin remained silent. All of the signs pointed to one thing.

He had to have been there.

He had to have seen it.

I felt ill and the urge to vomit became overwhelming.

I backed away from Firmin, rushing out of his office and to the WC, clutching the powder blue collar close to me. I hadn't time to reach the chamber pot, so, the sink sufficed; and within moments my guts laid before me in the cold, while, porcelain sink. Disgracing my eyes with their disgusting colour. As I vomited again I felt my hair lifted from my shoulders, I glanced over to see the Opera Ghost, on hand holding my hair and in his other hand was a dripping rag.

--* He carried me out of the WC and to my bedroom after my vomiting fit ended, where he laid me down on my bed and stroked my hair as my eyelids drooped. He stood quietly and told me he had 'business to attend to'; with a pat to my head and a soft kiss to my hand he left, making sure to close the door tightly behind him. I closed my eyes and breathed calmly, slowly, images from my eighth birthday surfaced, my heart rate increased and my breathing became heavier, I could feel myself tossing from side to side as the images tormented me. Image after image after image! They came like punches, one after another, and they didn't stop until my eyes shot open and I screamed.

I sat up and looked around, finding that I was still in my room, but, the clock struck seven, seven o'clock in the evening. I stood and found that I was trembling, I sighed, I was in need of fresh air. I wrapped up in a black shawl and left my rooms, taking my time in climbing back up to the surface. When I reached the surface, however, I was grasped my several people, one including Abelia. "What in the devil is going on?"

I growled as I was pulled into a spare dressing room and sat down in a chair. "Abelia, what is going on?" I asked again as a few women servants ran around frantically behind me, Abelia said to them what my dress size was and I was pulled up from the chair and a few women hurried with me behind a dressing screen, taking off my clothes and helping me into the Countess costume! "What?" I whispered as the women hurried me out and to hair and make-up.

--* After I received a huge, white wig upon my head I was pushed out and ordered to go to the curtains as fast as my heels would allow me. Something was wrong, but what? As I walked to the stage Moncharmin rushed to me and grasped my shoulders "Persephone, do you know the lyrics to 'Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh'?" He asked in a frantic tone, I nodded to the best of my ability, he gave a sigh of relief "good, great! You know how to sing it, do you not?"

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