Le Fantome de l'Opera

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Chapter Forty Nine: Le Fantome de l'Opera

--* We were at a park, Mimi, Emily, and I; Erik had to compose and I thought it best to get the two giggling girls away from him when he's slamming his fingers down upon the organ and murmuring to himself in frustration.

Emily sat in a pink stroller whilst Mimi hung onto the side of the stroller, a strawberry lollipop in her mouth. The day was warm and crisp, a slight wind blew and cooled us down; the sky was cloudless and ocean blue, though, unlike the ocean, no diamonds sparkled in the sky, not yet. The park I took the girls to I knew not the name of, but, it was absolutely beautiful, and fun! It was large, almost five acres big! There were two sets of slides, swings, monkey bars, and things of that sort; there were two rest areas where you could sit (it was just a large, shaded shelter with picnic tables beneath it so you could eat in shade).

There were grey, cobblestone paths leading from activity to activity. There was a small waterworks area where you could get your feet wet, water also spurted out of tubes onto the children and the concrete dipped down so the water ran down and created a little pool where the children sat or just stood. Beautiful flowers of all colours lined the park and the rest areas, there was even a little garden where people could plant flowers or food for the public! Food and fun vendors stood at every corner, brightly coloured and shaded with umbrellas; there was a man dressed as a clown that was one of the vendors, he made Emily a balloon animal (which, was a kitty, like Ayesha) and painted Mimi's face like a dog. The girls laughed together and ran to the playground, holding hands; I was amazed at how well they got along together, usually sisters fight, but these two, they loved each other so much and hardly ever raised their voices to each other, save to laugh.

I sat under the shelter and smiled as I watched the girls play; they followed each other, if Mimi went one way and Emily went the other, one of the girls would realize it and rush to their sister's side. It made me happy; someone cleared their throat and I turned to find Abelia and her suitor! "Abelia!" I cried, standing and hugging her, I had only caught glances of her now, since I was busy with the girls, and, I had taken back up my job as Primadonna. As we hugged I felt something poke my stomach and I glanced down to see it was her stomach; it was huge! I gasped and looked up to her, a smile forming on my face, she grasped my hand and grinned, bouncing with me as we giggled like schoolgirls. She was pregnant!

"Well, I, I saw how happy you were with children and so we decided to have one of our own" Abelia said, holding my hands.

"More like forced" her suitor said, she rolled her eyes playfully. Her suitor's name was Marque Darcio, he was the conductor for the Palais Garnier's orchestra; he and Abelia had been courting for, well, she said four months! I nodded slowly and instantly became worried for her, only four months? Erik and I had, at least, been together for six to a year before Martha began to grow; over the past few years Abelia had gone threw at least ten men, most of them were very good and I approved of them, however, she got into arguments with them easily. This man, Marque, could hold his own against Abelia, but, I had a bad feeling about him; I felt one day he would snap.

Erik had spoken sparsely to Marque; Erik didn't think fondly of him either. Marque was a short man who only measured up to six feet and one inch (Erik gave a whole new meaning to the word 'tall'), his hair was dark brown and he wore a bushy mustache, his eyes burnt green and when I looked at them, I saw no comfort, only sharp, despair. Marque wasn't an especially happy man, he always had something negative to input into the conversation; I'm not one for negativity. Abelia and I chatted about different things until Marque left to buy he and Abelia drinks. "Are you sure about him?" I asked "are you sure about spending the rest of your life with him?" I asked and Abelia smiled.

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