Bride and Groom

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Chapter Forty One: Bride and Groom

--* Erik carried me, bridal style (how fitting!) Down to our home upon the lake where we rushed into separate closets and dressed in our finest clothes. I pulled out a large, white dress I bought for this very occasion! It was poofy at the bottom and carried sequins and pearls in wonderful designs upon the corset; glitter gave the poofy, white bottom extra shine. My heart sang as I dressed in it and Abelia curled my hair; Erik had tasked the Persian with the job of finding a preacher.

There came a knock at my door and Abelia answered; it was Erik! Apparently, he was already dressed and more than quite ready to be married! "Oh, go away, Erik! You mustn't see the bride, it's bad luck!" Abelia cried, blocking me, in vain, from Erik's view; Erik gave a playful smile and sunk his hands into his trouser pockets.

"To hell with superstition; let me see my wife" said he. Abelia rolled her eyes.

"She's not your wife yet" she huffed, ruefully moving to the side; I hadn't applied the least bit of make up yet, however, when Erik' saw me his eyes glittered like they did at La Carlotta's birthday party. The first official time we saw each other. Abelia stuck a veil in my hair and I took a quick glance down at Erik's dressing; he was in a sleek, black tuxedo and a white rose peeped out of his chest pocket. His hair was slicked back and he wore his clean, white half-mask on the left side of his face. Gosh, he was so handsome, how did I ever score a man like he?

"Wow" he whispered, gently grasping my hands and scanning over my dress; we smiled to each other, unable to hide our joy to each other, why would we? "You're so beautiful, Persephone, I wouldn't trade you for anything; gosh, you have no idea how much of my everything you are." Said he, I smiled and pulled him into a hug; kissing his neck.

"I know, my angel, I know" I replied; he paused and sighed, pulling away from my arms and falling down to one knee.

"Marry me" said he, stars entrapped in his eyes. I giggled.

"I already am!"

"I know, but I want to marry you again, and again, and again! I want to marry you every day of every month of every year! I want you to feel all of this love I have inside me; I want you to know how much I love many times I'll marry you and kiss you and swear to you my undying loyalty and faith in you, I want to do that all the time. I want to tell you that every day; ten million times a day, so you'll know only but a sample of what I will do for you, and what I would love to do for you...if you'll let me." He finished; this speech brought tears to my eyes, I fell to my knees and threw my arms and lips towards and around him so hard he toppled over!

He chuckled as I showered his face and neck in hisses and little nips. I give a little nibble to his ear and he cried out, not in pain, however. He laughed and pushed me to the ground, locking our lips around the other's. I ran my fingers through his perfectly gelled (and combed) hair and encased my legs around his torso; his knees were spread apart and sat upon the floor, holding both of us up as one of his hands held my waist and the other tenderly touched my cheek. There was a little giggle behind us; Erik slowly broke our lips apart again and turned to find Pierre leaning against the doorframe and Abelia standing beside him, holding a bouquet of mixed white and red roses.

Erik pulled me up and swung me around; I giggled and kissed his cheek. Abelia, once I was stable, handed me my bouquet and Erik took up my arm; we decided, on the way down to the cellars, that Erik would walk with me down the aisle. 

Pierre hurried behind us and lifted up the train of my dress; Pierre was the ring bearer and Abelia would play the part of Made of Honor whilst Cindy would be the flower girl (even though she's quite over the appropriate age of a normal flower girl). Abelia walked with her suitor down the aisle and so did the rest of my bridesmaids; I held Erik's hand tightly and looked up to him before we walked down the aisle. "I love you" I said softly; tears already gathering in my eyes. 

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