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Chapter Fourteen: Peppermints

--* It was forty moments before the Opera Ghost and Persian returned and William wouldn't budge. I had begged and pleaded him to leave, but he wouldn't leave until I opened the door and gave him, at least, a kiss on the cheek. Finally, I gave in, I opened the door and he stood; my eyes were still red and he leaned down to me, I puckered my lips and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. William smiled to me and stepped into my bedroom, glancing around and then turning back to me; he smiled and when I turned away, to go sit on my bed, he grasped my wrist and turned me back to him, pulling me close. This time, however, he placed his hands on my waist and smiled, sidestepping with me.

"Do you dance, Persephone?" He asked and I nodded; it was true, with a limited amount of money mother and I couldn't do much. But, dancing and singing were the two things we could do that were limitless! Mother taught me all types of dances and songs; that and reading the few books we had were how I usually spent my days. As we danced to an imaginary song William dipped me down and I gave a nervous laugh, he softly kissed my neck and moved up to my chin, and then to my cheek. I pulled away but his lips stuck to me.

"William, please--" I said, trying to break his grip from me, he paused and smiled.

"Please what?" He asked seductively, cocking an eyebrow. I paused and laughed.

"Not like that, Monsieur William! Please, put me down" I clarified, William smiled sheepishly and pulled me back up, clearing his throat as his cheeks pinkened.

"Well, uh, mademoiselle Persephone, I am uh....sorry for disturbing you; are you sure you do not need care?" He asked, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, monsieur William, it wasn't a disturbance at all; our time together was enjoyable. I am completely sure I can handle this cold on my own, thank you, though." I said, William smiled sadly and started to leave, then, he paused and turned back to my door.

"Persephone, wait" said he, I paused closing my door and opened it again.

"Yes?" I asked, Monsieur William walked back over to me in four strides and made a motion for me to lean over. I was hesitant at first.

"Don't worry, come now, I have something to tell you"  he said, so I leaned in closer until is lips were to my ear. I felt him smile and then he pulled himself back and attached our lips! My eyes shot open and my hands were gently pressed against his chest; his eyes were closed and his tongue begged entrance into my mouth. He hesitantly let my lips free and smiled; "you are absolutely beautiful" he whispered, kissing my forehead turning, walking out of my rooms.

--* I stood, still stunned, at my door for twenty minutes; attempting to process what had just ensued. I soon heard the agile footsteps that described that the Opera Ghost was near, that is when reality smacked me in the face. The Opera Ghost and Persian walked in with smiles stitched upon their lips and the light of happiness glowing brightly in their eyes; the Opera Ghost glanced at me and then did a double take. He stepped closer and stared hard at my lips. "My dear" he started "why is your lipstick...smudged?"

He asked, I paused. "I'm wearing lipstick?" I asked, both the Opera Ghost grinned and the Persian busted into a fit of laughter; my Opera Ghost led me to my desk mirror and pointed to my reflection, funny, I didn't remember putting on make-up! I voiced my confusion and my Opera Ghost smiled.

"You did, I sat on the edge of the bed and watched you. It was after breakfast" he said, endeavoring to jog my memory. Still, I didn't remember it; my Opera Ghost only smiled and gave me a washcloth, and boy, did I scrub it off! Neither my Opera Ghost or the Persian/Daroga (whatever you prefer to call him) understood why I scrubbed my lips so hard, I told them it was because the lipstick was hard to get off, but, in reality, we all know why I rubbed my lips raw.

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