I Want My Mummy

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Chapter Thirty Six: I Want My Mummy

--* The next moments seemed surreal as I stared down into William's lifeless eyes.

His mouth, however, was curved into a smile that sickened me to my core.

I narrowed my eyes and kicked his head with all of my might; his disembodied head flew across the room and hit the wall, flopping to the ground with a dull thud. I heard shuffling footsteps to the right of me and the Persian, Darius, the priest, and little Pierre emerged from a larger closet than mine; peeking their heads around a corner to see what had ensued.

Erik stood straighter than a nail with his hand covering the left side of his face; he was staring dreamily at the space before him, he now closed his eyes and sighed, breaking his nail--like stance and sitting upon a pew. I slowly approached him, dropping the rope on the pew before him and smiling. "He's gone" I said softly; Erik nodded, but said nothing. The entire pew room was silent and the crickets that chirped outside came in an uproar, it seemed; I sighed. "W-We can get married now" I said gently, sitting down on the pew before his and turning to him.

All hope and warmth left his eyes and was replaced by despair.

"Erik, please" I started, the four men came out from behind the corner, but, came no closer to us than that. "Speak to me, angel" I finished; he let out a heavy, heart breaking sigh and tapped his long fingers upon his knee.

"There is nothing to speak of" said he, averting his gaze from me, but, every so often, when I wasn't looking, out of my peripheral vision I would see him steal a glance at me.

"Sure there is" I reassured. "We must talk of what flowers will be at the reception, what type of cake we want, is my dress going to be coloured or white? Who will be the flower gir--"

"Persephone" Erik said calmly, interrupting me. "After you see my face, you will give me my ring back...I know it...you'll wish William was alive again...you'll wish--"

"Rubbish" I said softly, standing and walking over to him, sitting beside him and grasping his free hand with both of mine. "You and I both know that those are complete lies" I added. "Erik you're perfect. You really, truly are; I don't know what confused maniac forced you to believe differently, but I wish that person to rot for the rest of their miserable life because they pushed you into a corner and surrounded you with fables. You are beautiful, Erik, in every sense of the word" I finished, touching the right side of his face and causing him to look at me.

His eyes were glassy and it deeply hurt me to see him so wounded; but, I swore to myself that I would heal him. He sniffled and tightened his grip of my hands. "I love you, Erik, are there is nothing in this world or any other that can undo my love for you; nothing." Said I; Erik nodded slightly and leaned over, gently falling down into my lap, and, hesitantly, his hand slid down from the left side of his face. I smiled as I looked upon his face, it was almost identical to Martha's.

The skin appeared burnt and in many places the flesh was torn open and I could clearly see the muscle underneath. His lip, on the left side, was twice the size of his lip on the right side; his cheekbones were clearly visible and his left eye popped out a bit more than his right. Tears fell down his cheeks as I stared at him; he was ashamed! Ashamed to be under my gaze fully exposed. I placed both hands on each of his cheeks.

"Beautiful" I whispered, choking down sobs; it seemed, as I aged it seemed my emotions were evoked easier. Erik now sat up with an extinguished expression and wiped my tears away.

"I've made you cry.." he whispered, I shook my head quickly.

"No, no, I'm just...emotional as of late" I said; hesitantly, he reached out and almost touched my cheek, curling his fingers back into the palm of his hand before I could feel the warmth of his hand upon my face. He breathed shakily and pulled his hands back into his lap; he was facing away from Pierre, and to me, now, I decided to do something quite unorthodox. "Erik, look at me" I said, as I wiped my tears away; he glanced up to me and I smiled then, I jumped into his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his lips to mine and holding him there. He gave a weak smile through my lips and gradually cloaked his arms around my torso; but I was the one to hold us together.

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