Not Whilst I'm Around

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Chapter Thirty Two: Not Whilst I'm Around

--* Raoul's eyes were wide in fear as he looked to Erik; William, however, was unfazed. "My haven't aged a day!" Raoul cried; Erik pushed Pierre behind himself too, I held Pierre's hand. The carriage trotted away and left us five standing before the restaurant.

"One of the perks of being...abhorrent; no one knows if you've aged or not, Monsieur Viscount." Said Erik, gently backing away from the Italian restaurant, going a bit faster over the road and standing in the large, green field before the oaken tree that I sat under not an hour ago.

Raoul and William slowly followed.

"Have you planned something, Monsieur Erik?" William asked, walking forwards with intimidation peeking out of his step. I grasped Erik's arm, for; William turned his belt and there I saw a rapier with an engraved, golden handle. William smiled. "I have also prepared for this...chance encounter" William added unsheathing his sword.

The sword, at the bottom and top, were engraved golden and in the middle was sparkling silver. Erik now lifted his from his own holster and pushed Pierre and I back to a safe distance. "En garde, Monsieur Erik!" William yelled, lunging for Erik, holding his sword, point first, before him. Erik, however, was more experienced in the skill of dueling, and, moved out of the way; causing William to lean forwards too much and fall to the ground.

However, William quickly turned and threw his sword forwards, clashing with Erik's. William hesitantly stood and it now became a power struggle between the men; William, sadly, was stronger than Erik. William shoved Erik away, causing Erik to stumble backwards, William did a twirl with his sword pointing outwards and Erik regained his balance just in time to meet William's sword; which was inches from Erik's head. I gasped and pushed Pierre farther away from the men; I would rather be hurt than he. Erik forced William's sword away and William backed up a few paces; breathing heavily.

Erik didn't lunge or stab at William, and I knew why; he was going to tire out William, and that is when he would make his move. "Oh, come now, Monsieur Erik! Surely you must fight better than that!" William said with a cocky smile; Erik grinned.

"Of course I can, Monsieur William, but at the moment I am stifling my skills" said Erik, William still wore that stupid, cocky smile.

"Oh? And why is that, monsieur?"

"To match yours" said Erik with a smile. William's smile vanished and he ran at Erik; Erik moved out of the way and, with William's back to him, kicked William's lower back! Sending William straight into the oaken tree and his sword to the ground beside him. After a moment, William stood and turned; his lip was busted and blood ran down his chin and dripped off of his face, onto his nice suit. William chuckled.

"I know what you're doing, Monsieur Erik, you're playing upon my rage; well, monsieur, it won't work that easily" William said with a wink to me; I pushed Pierre behind me ever more.

"I beg to differ, Monsieur Viscount, it appeared to work perfectly fine a few moments ago" Erik said with a small smile.

"Come now, Monsieur Erik, are we to fight or to speak?" William asked, spreading his legs out to further his stability.

"Well, Monsieur William you are doing an awful lot of talking for a man who craves action; so, I'll give you one good cut at me. Come along now, don't be shy, Persephone can vouch for me, I don't bite....very hard" Erik said, grinning devilishly and narrowing his eyes; William growled and ran at Erik, his sword pointed straight forwards, but, at the very last moment, William tripped and sent his sword hurtling to the ground. Erik made a clicking sound with his tongue. "Tut, tut, Monsieur William, tut, tut! That is not the way to hold a sword, especially if you are aiming to end someone's life!

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