Bring Him Home

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Chapter Thirty Seven: Bring Him Home

--* Erik, somehow, heard my screams and came running through the door; he fell down to his knees with me and yanked my face away from the paper. I grasped onto him and sobbed uncontrollably into his shoulder; he says I whispered "my baby" over and over.

Then, he saw the newspaper that caused my breakdown.

"No.." he whispered lifting it from my ground and gently shaking his head. " my son..." he added, but, this time his whispers where hinted with anger. He stood now, but I remained on the floor, in fetal position, crying my eyes out. There was the ripping of paper and I saw, through muddled vision, paper shreds rain over me; Erik turned away and began taking his anger out on the wall. Punching and kicking it viciously.

I paused my weeping and shakily stood, stumbling over to Erik, who caught me without a second thought. His knuckles bled, but, I knew, by the look in his eyes that his blood would not be the only one spilt in the next few days.

--* The very next day Erik and I were inquiring about it; Erik said it was a gypsy camp that had our son, he said he even knew which one it was. "How do you know this?" I asked, clinging to his arm; he sighed.

"Because, I recognized that cage." He whispered, I grasped his hand tightly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked quickly; he sighed.

"It means, that your fiancé was stuck in the same situation as our son" he hissed impatiently; he grasped my hand with terrible strength and dragged me to the newspaper shop to interview the person who took the picture of our son.

--* Erik was a giant ball of anger when we arrived, his grip was so tight I feared he might break my bones! He yelled at the receptionist who told us who took the picture. "Monsieur John B-Banks, monsieur" the receptionist said in a shaking voice; I mouthed 'thank you' as Erik tore me away from the man.

Erik slammed his hands down on John Banks's desk; silencing the entire room, but, he didn't mind, his eyes were too full of rage to see it. "Where in the hell is my son?" Erik growled.

"E-Excuse me?" John asked in a weak tone.

"My son" Erik hissed "where is he?" Erik demanded, grasping the man by the cuff of his shirt and holding him up to his face. John gave a nervous chuckle.

"U-Um, monsieur, it would be...j-just a little more helpful if I uh...knew what you were talking about" John answered; Erik threw John back into his chair so hard John flipped over it!

"My son" Erik enunciated. "The child you took a picture of, the one at the gypsy camp" Erik finished; the man's face fell.

" two are his parents" he said in understanding, nodding. "He told me much of you two, mostly of how you loved each other even though....even though and, I quote 'my father's not the most perfect man, or the most handsome, but, mummy thinks so; mummy kissed him so deeply even when his biggest flaws were revealed. She loves him. A-And she loves me too, I just...I just want my mummy.'" John said, tears welled in my eyes and wrapped myself around Erik's arm; Erik sighed.

"I didn't come to ask what he said, I want to know where he is so we can take him home." Said he, calming from his anger and kissing the top of my head; he whispered calming words to me and hugged me, promising me it would be alright. Erik pressed me against his chest and laid his cheek upon the top of my head; now I spoke to this John man.

"Please, monsieur, please help us. He's our only son" I whispered, tears streaming down my cheeks; Erik wiped them away and kissed me. John sighed and nodded.

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