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Chapter Twenty Seven: Disguises

--* "S-So...none of that happened?" I asked slowly, the man sighed.

"I have absolutely no idea what you're going on about, but, if you want 'ta know we found ya behind a grave at a church" the man said and I blinked in confusion....so...it all...happened? But, if it did, where was Abelia? And Erik? And everyone else? Surely Erik alone, in a rage, could take all the 'bad guys' on.

And win.

Another question festered in my brain. "Why did you tell me that?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow suspiciously to him. He laughed and glanced around the room, pulling his hood back a little to reveal mocha skin and melting eyes of jade. "Persian!"

I cried, attempting to pull my arms up; however, I glanced down to find that they were chained to a steel platform on the ground, underneath the tub. The Persian chuckled and placed his index finger to his lips. "Shush! We don't want them knowing you've got a friend here, now, do we? Good, now, any more questions?" Asked he.

"Many" said I, he chuckled. "Wh--what happened?" I asked, the Persian pulled up his hood again and leaned close to me.

"The man knocked you out and we fought; the man ended up knocking me out and put us all in a carriage; I woke up and saw the carriage was stalled and our captor was speaking with another man and they started fighting. I took you out of the carriage and ran to the nearest town; of course, they followed us, but, I hid you and, thankfully, they didn't find you. I ran into a pub and hid behind the bar; I created another identity and joined them in preparation for your finding." Said he with a small smile, moving stray hair out of my eyes.

"H-How long have I been incapacitated?" I asked and the Persian sighed.

"Two weeks"

"Two weeks?!" I cried, sitting up straighter "is my baby okay?" I asked urgently and the Persian calmed me.

"Yes and no; if your asking if it's fine because you've been knocked out for two weeks, yes, your baby is fine. In terms of the drugs..." the Persian trailed off and looked up to me with large, fearful eyes. "They gave you a hallucinogen, and, a very powerful one at that. Your baby will not die, because it is living off of you, however...because it is living off of you it was contaminated with the drugs and so..." the Persian paused and his eyes glassed over. "Has Erik shown you his face before?"

Asked he, I shook my head and he rubbed his face. "Just know that...when you have your child, his or her face will look like Erik's." He added before we heard a door slam; the Persian stood and another man walked in, he carried some type of weapon; I couldn't see what it was, but I saw something gleam in the man's hands. The man that came in wore a black cloak also and the Persian spoke quietly with him; the man pushed past the Persian and I saw the weapon was a sword, a long, sharp, shiny sword. I yanked at my chains and kicked at the tub.

The Persian stood back and watched.

I cried out for him and the man raised the sword up high; I braced and said my goodbyes.

There was a great clatter of iron falling on iron, but, I felt no pain!

I opened my recently clenched eyes to find the man holding the sword to his side and my left hand was free! My mouth dropped and the man cut through the other, the Persian laughed at my bewilderment and helped me out of the tub; I was drenched from head to foot. 

The man wielding the sword allowed his hood to fall and revealed a man with mocha skin and deep, chocolate eyes. "Persephone, this is my servant, Darius" said the Persian, I smiled and shook Darius's large hand. I glanced down to my own hands to find dark red rings around my wrists with little specks of the colour crimson. At first, it was a struggle to walk, I was off balance and didn't know why until I saw my tummy; it wasn't extraordinarily big but it was larger than it normally was. I still had quite a few months to wait.

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