Wedding Day

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Chapter Thirty Four: Wedding Day

--* The door was thrown open and a dozen young ladies carrying hair products, brushes, soap, food, nail care products, hair accessories, and hair curlers waltzed into the room.

Scaring me half to death.

I cried out and fell off of the bed; landing on the hardwood floor and groaning; sitting up only to find the girls, William, La Sorelli, and an old woman with squinting green eyes staring at me. The old woman nodded. "And, the marriage is against her will, yes?" The old woman asked in a German accent that was surprisingly understandable.

"Yes, mademoiselle" William said, smiling to me; the old woman nodded.

"She will be a challenge, but, so is every woman; and they always are satisfied in the end. Now, I need you all to go back downstairs, especially you, William; it is bad for the groom to see the bride before the wedding. Girls--!"

"Mademoiselle?" La Sorelli spoke up. "I need a private word with the bride, if you please" La Sorelli added; the old woman nodded, but stood still, everyone stood still besides La Sorelli. She helped me off of the ground and pulled me into a different room; far away from the one I was caged in. She smiled as she revealed a note from her pocket.

"Your son is the sweetest, most gentlemanlike boy I've ever met" she whispered; I smiled and tears rushed to my eyes, Erik always wanted him to be a gentleman. "I haven't read the note"  she continued "but I'll stand here with you as you do" she finished, I thanked her and quickly opened it. Taking out a tri--folded letter; it ran thus:

Dearest Mummy,

   I'm relieved to hear that you're okay! Monsieur Daroga has been worrying of your heath for days; he's even sent out a few search parties for you. Dead? Who told you father was dead? Was it that William man? Mummy, don't--

All of a sudden, the note was ripped from my hands and I turned to see William with a smile upon his face. "Give that back!" I yelled, lunging for the letter; William backed away and tore the letter to shreds before me. My mouth dropped and I shook my head. "You insolent, inconsiderate, pig--headed, loud--mouthed, arrogant, bastard!"

I yelled, narrowing my eyes and clenching my fists to the best of my ability, without breaking my bones. William smiled and poked my nose. "Yes, my dear, I may be all of those things; but you're the woman who will be married to and make love to an insolent, inconsiderate, pig--headed, loud--mouthed, arrogant, bastard Count. And, you'll birth our insolent, inconsiderate, pig--headed, loud--mouthed, arrogant children; words will not help you anymore, Persephone. Words can do nothing."

William finished; that last statement made me cringe in anger, for, I knew the power of words, and so did he, he just chose to ignore them.

I decided to play his game. 

"Okay, William, you win." I said, pausing, William's features morphed into softened surprise. "I'll marry you, I'll bear children with you...and enjoy it; we'll retrieve Pierre and live happily. We'll forget all about Erik and my time at the Palais Garnier, hmm? Sound nice?" 

I asked, William pulled me to his side and quickly nodded; then I smiled devilishly, I figured him out. When I said what he wanted to hear, I had him around my finger. "Just remember, William" said I pausing and breaking his grip of me. "Words mean nothing" I finished, winking; a smile appeared on his face and he laughed.

"Smart, smart woman!" He cried, laughing all the way down a large, marble staircase. I sighed and the old woman grasped my hand, yanking me back into my cage where the door was slammed shut behind me and I was pushed into the WC; where a dozen girls stood before a tub of steaming hot water holding brushes, soap, nail files, sponges, the afore mentioned hair care products, and towels; smiles covered their faces.

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