Little Black Book (Continued)

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Chapter Forty: Little Black Book (Continued)

--* Apparently, I had fallen asleep inside box five for I remember nothing more of that night.

I woke groggy, but, in my own bed! I sat up and glanced around to see that, indeed, I was in Erik and my bedroom; though, Erik, nor Pierre sat inside. I didn't know what to do, should I get up and face Erik again? Part of me didn't want to, I didn't want to know what became of us, I just wanted to remain his; we were so close to being married, so close! What had made him go mental like that?

I had no time to wonder this, for, I heard his step outside of the door, coming closer. And, I decided upon doing on thing; acting. I fell back into the bed and threw the covers around my shoulders, shutting my eyes quickly and waiting for a moment before the door opened. "She's been asleep for an awfully long time, father, do you think she's hurt?" Pierre asked in a whisper to Erik. Erik sighed and answered in a melancholic tone.

"Not physically, my son....not physically. Go wake her, shake her gently and give her plenty of kisses; when you're done father needs you to leave us for a few moments, okay?" Erik asked, and there was silence for a few moments.

"Father?" Pierre asked, still in a whisper.


"Why were you so angry at mummy yesterday?" Asked Pierre, Erik hesitated before answering.

"That's what we need to talk about, my son; go wake her, sweetly now." Erik ordered; moments after I felt his little hands touch my back and he began pressing down upon it and not, and pressing down upon it and not. He was giving me a massage! 

"Muuummy? Muuummy? It's time to get up now" said Pierre as gently as he could, kissing my cheeks and hugging me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, holding him close. "Good morning, mummy" said he as I opened my eyes once more.

"Good morning, my little Pierre" I said softly; Pierre looked over to his father who stood in the doorway, and hopped out of the bed, telling me he loved me and then walking out of the room. I sat up and stared at Erik who shut the door behind our son; he wouldn't turn around to me for a while. When he did, however, he appeared...scared....terrified, in fact! He sat down upon the bed, next to me and held my hand; kissing it a few times. Though no tears filled his eyes, his voice shook and he had to clear his throat multiple times.

"Angel, please put back on your ring" said he, finally. I dug in my pocket and pulled out the ring, only holding it.

"Tell me why you went mental yesterday and I will" said I; Erik sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"You will think less of me if I do" said I; I grasped his arm and touched his face, turning it towards me.

"Do you actually think I will? You know I can't think anything but the universe of you! You are the love of my life; do you understand how much it hurt me when you said those things to me? Because, I don't think you promised that you would never compare me to Christine and I would never leave you; never. I still plan on never leaving you, only if your love wasn't real....if it wasn't real then I'll leave; but I'm taking Pierre if I do--"

"Oh, please! Please, Persephone, don't speak that way!" Erik cried; lunging forwards and wrapping himself around my waist. "I love you, baby, I love you; I love you so much. You are the light of my life and I would never dream of leaving you; never!"

He cried, hugging my arm. I was so confused! One moment he was madly in love with me, and, the next, he wanted to cut me from the opera! "What is the matter with you lately?" I asked and he sighed, gently rubbing my hand.

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