hello all you lovely people :)) i am posting an advice chapter today!
this means that if anyone of you have something going on that you either need to rant to someone about or if you need some advice on a situation, you can comment right here and I (and hopefully even some others) will try and help you out! I promise I'll answer everyone!
don't be afraid to comment, like i said from the beginning, i won't judge you if you don't judge me.
i'll be posting these every once in a while.
i actually need some advice myself. right now i'm like having a breakdown and i hate those. it's the type of breakdown where everything is hitting you at once, like waves constantly crashing on the shoreline. i feel like as new things come up, it's like another hit from the tide that i'm drowning in. and now i'm crying, and it's just the worst type of breakdown that like every little thing that even pops up just triggers you and you are about to explode and i just did. like i'm here typing this, sat in my bed at 10pm just crying because i've had enough. i'm sick of (if you read my last chapter) this homecoming thing at my school in a couple of days. i don't wanna go, i feel bad for not wanting to go, and when i consider it, another thing pops up making me not want to go again and i constantly change my mind and i hate being unsure of things. i feel like i should go because like 2 people kinda want me to but i'm self conscious so i feel they're just saying that out of pity. i don't wanna go because i don't have a date and those two girls who want me to go have dates, i don't wanna go because i promised myself i wouldn't go to another school dance. i'm going insane. i'm breaking down rn because i hate the fact i never come home from school in a happy mood. like i used to be such a happy person, and i don't know what happened like two years ago. i cry because of how alone i feel here. i don't want to go to school tomorrow morning like i cannot take this bullshit anymore. i'm breaking down because i have a fucking math quiz tomorrow i'm scared for, or i'm just always on edge about my academics because if i'm not feeling up to par up in my mind, how am i supposed to do magically good in school?? and just every little detail of shittiness that occurred today is getting at me and i just can't anymore.
how can i deal with this? like just to make my everyday a little bit better? i'm tired of just being usually unhappy and i just need to cry right now. idk what to do, if one of y'all could help, i would greatly appreciate it.
and i hope i can help anyone who needs it :)

a teen's journal | rants
Random"People always ask me, "Why are you so quiet?" I don't know. I'll never know. I've always been so quiet, and whenever I speak, I'm known to have a hushed voice. If I think that it's okay to talk, then I won't ever stop, but if I simply don't feel li...