four ; go fuck yourself

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F O U R ; G O F U C K Y O U R S E L F

"love her but leave her wild"


"God please do that again," the blonde woman all but moaned down to the dark haired beauty that lied down against the bed, clad in just under garments while she pulled a pair of stockings up her legs, a vision that had the blondes mouth watering

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"God please do that again," the blonde woman all but moaned down to the dark haired beauty that lied down against the bed, clad in just under garments while she pulled a pair of stockings up her legs, a vision that had the blondes mouth watering. The blonde, who went by the name Holly held her camera up, snapping photos of the beautiful woman who lied in the bed in front of her. Scarlett head rolled to the side to look at the short blonde girl with soft pink lips.

"Sorry, cant." She told her before rolling off the bed and pulling her fallen skirt up her legs, along with her sweater that was on the floor, "I have plans, and you have to go," Holly scoffed, as she continued to snap photos of the girl she wished to call her own.

"What in the world do you have to do, thats better than spending time with me?" She asked arrogantly making Scarlett roll her eyes. The blonde was clad in a large t-shirt and undergarments as she sat on the foot of the bed. Her hair was tossed back in tangled curls as her pointed blue eyes watched the natives every move.

"Ive got some friends to visit," She explained vaguely, annoying the blonde to no end.

"And they're better than me?" Scarlett laugh was cynical.

"Please, they're my best friends since childhood, and you're a booty call...if you cant do the math, then yes they are better than you," Scarlett hissed feeling fed up with the clingy girl before grabbing Hollys jeans off the floor and tossing them at her, "Get dressed and dont forget to lock up when you're done," She instructed before strutting out of the house, heading just a house over to the Blacks homestead where she knew her best mates would be.

The black haired girl wandered over to the garage where she knew the boys would be since she could hear their rowdy laughing from her house. She entered the room, making all the boys turn and look over to her while she just plopped down on the dirty couch.

"Hello to you too Scar," Embry grinned widely at the girl, "Who'd you have to runaway from so quickly that you forgot your shoes?" He asked pointing to her bare toes that wiggled.

"Holly Beckett," She shrugged nonchalant while the three boys, Embry, Quil, and Jacob all gaped at the girl in front of them, her eyebrow raised, "What?"

"Holly Beckett? Super hot Holly Beckett?" Quit stumbled out in complete and utter shock. That one, Scarlett managed to get with her, and two, that Holly was into girls too. Scarlett shrugged not at all effected by the fact that she just slept with La—Push's highly desirably girl, besides herself of course. Holly was an okay lay at best, nothing to right home about which was a bit of a let down.

"Yes that Holly Beckett, she's still in my house. Apparently the rumors didnt mention the fact that she clings onto you like a gnat," Scarlett stated annoyed while the boys looked at her in amusement. The three boys got zero action from the opposite sex, or even from the same sex so they lived through Scarletts experiences. "Enough about her, what are we working on?" She asked looking at the car that was now in multiple pieces.

"I brought out the rabbit, and these two idiots have no idea what they're doing, it'd be nice to have a hand?" Jacob asked looking towards the girl who had a similar mechanical hand just like himself. She smiled, and stood up tossing her hair back into a pony tail.

"I'd love to help," Scarlett went to the lied out pieces and started sorting out what could be used still and what needed to be replaced while Jake continued pulling parts from the old car.

"So hows school with the pale faces?" Quit wondered while he played a game on his phone on the couch, EMbry looking over his shoulder back seat driving, telling him what to do and what not to do. Scarlett shrugged, biting her bottom red lip.

"Some guy grabbed my ass so I slammed his face into a table a few times," She said simply making the boys burst into laughter at the girl.

"Please tell me someone caught it on camera?" Embry all but begged making the girl smirk slightly.

"Check Youtube," Embry nodded, "Other than that its fine I guess. Its nice to go to school with Bella but the people there are annoying. The only ones that haven't remotely pissed me off were the Cullens, well all of the but one," The three boys froze while Scarlett kept working through the parts before recognizing their silence, "What?" she snapped.

"The Cullens?" Embry asked making sure while sharing a look with the other boys. Scarlett let out a groan,

"Yes the Cullens,"

"Scar, you know about them right?" anger burned bright in the Grey girl as she stood from her spot on the floor.

"Do I know about the legends that are told to scare little kids into eating their vegetables? Yes. They're people for crying out loud,"

"Guys its just a old scary story," Jake told Quil and Embry who still held knowing expressions, they believed in it.

"I just dont think you should be around them," Embry told Scarlett who glared at the boy.

"Yeah and I think you should go fuck yourself," She snapped before storming out of the garage.

As she headed across the front yard of the Blacks homestead a voice calling out to her caught her attention,

"Scarlett!" She turned and saw Billy Black along with Sam Uley standing in the doorway of the house, waving her over. She sighed rolling her neck as she tried to calm down, her body felt slightly warmer than usual. She hurried over to the two,

"Hey guys whats up?" Her voice still tense, the two men shared a look before motioning her into the home. Sam sat her down at the table while the two men sat in front of her on the other side, Billy pushed a plate of cookies over to her that she immediately accepted.

"Scarlett theres something we'd like to share with you," Billy explained, his voice timber and strong like always.

"What is it?" She asked her mouth full of cookie crumbs, cookies that were surely made by someone else, since she knew for a complete fact that Billy couldnt bake to save his own life.

"Our tribe speaks of a legend—"Scarlett groaned slamming her hand into her face in annoyance.

"Again with the legends," She mumbled, "I know I know we're descendant from wolves, the 'cold ones' all that I got it," She clicked her tongue and held out a sarcastic thumbs up at the two who starred at her unamused.

"This is one you haven't heard...and if I were you I'd listen," Scarlett shied away from Sams strong voice that seemed to vibrate through her body and she felt her head nod while she remained silent, Sam gave Billy a curt nod.

"While the Pititchu Wisatsu'upat be credited for the creation of our people, and the transformation from man to wolf to protect the tribe from the dangers of the world. Pititchu Wisatsu'upat was not the one to hold the pact nor the men together. When surrounding tribes or enemy clans started to come forward to attack our tribe it was not Pititchu Wisatsu'upat nor the alpha of the pack who commanded the fight. It was the Q'waeti or otherwise known as the moon woman. She was a strong leader, and the only woman to fight beside the warriors as she to could transform into a wolf. She was beautiful in both forms, either could bring the strongest of men to their knees at the very sight. But her beauty matched her power and wisdom. She stood besides the Alpha as a second hand, the Alpha female and strategist because while the Alpha male brought his strength the moon woman brought her intelligence and together they were able to take down anyone who dared to threaten them or the lives of their people. It is told that each generation of wolf warriors have their own Q'waeti among them, available to aid and abet them through their protections against their enemies," Billy foretold the story of the strong woman of the ancestors while Scarlett listened completely enveloped in the story, as he finished she leaned back against her chair.

"I do love a powerful female character in a story," Scarlett smiled softly, "But why did you need to tell me it?" The two men shared a look once more.

"We just want you to keep it in mind, will you do that for us?"


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