twenty five ; beg for me

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T W E N T Y   F I V E ; B E G   F O R   M E

" i like to hear you beg for me'

"I'm sorry Jacob but could you repeat that please?" Scarlett growled into the phone as she made it onto the beach, the boys slowly following after her messing around with one another, dunking the others head beneath the waves

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"I'm sorry Jacob but could you repeat that please?" Scarlett growled into the phone as she made it onto the beach, the boys slowly following after her messing around with one another, dunking the others head beneath the waves. As soon as she wrapped a towel around her body to dry off, her phone's shrill ring caught her attention.

"She hit her head on a rock, and then she called me beautiful," Jake explained, and while he didn't necessarily want to have any contact with the girl he suspected to be in a cult, he had no one else to call and she was Bellas best friend. "But she's okay I got it all fixed up and she's good, I just needed to tell someone,"

Scarlett let out a huff, feeling as though she was a mother and her child was sent to the nurse's office, it was ridiculous Bella was an adult now and yet she was still putting herself in these positions to get hurt. Scarlett knew Bella was clumsy, that was just poor genes, but the motorcycle and creepy guy outside the bar, well that was just poor ideas, she was smarter than that, well at least that's what the dark haired girl thought.

"Okay well just hang out with her the next couple hours and make sure she doesn't have a concussion or something, watch out for dizziness, vomiting and light sensitivity, if she does then haul her ass to the hospital I don't care if Charlie finds out, no matter what she says you do it. Okay?" Jake remained silent, knowing that Bella didn't want Charlie to find out and ground her for the rest of her life, "Okay?" Scarlett snapped at the boy's hesitance.

"Okay, alright I will. Thanks, Scar,"

"Yeah yeah," She hung up the phone and held her fingers against her temples rubbing softly to dissipate the oncoming headache pain. Hell if she felt like this just for her best friend she couldn't imagine what poor Charlie was going through. Scarlett had no idea what was going on with her best friend, and not for lack of trying. The brunette haired girl kept pushing her out, and away from her life for a reason unknown to her, but one of these days she was going to figure it out.

"You alright babe?" Paul asked as he approached the girl whose head was starting to pound, she looked up at him and gave him a small smile that turned out to be more of a grimace than anything.

"You know you keep asking me that," she smirked lightly.

"That's because I care, its Bella isn't it?" He asked knowingly, since well it was always Bella, that one pale-faced human was the root to all the stress and problems in his Imprints life. Her silence was an answer enough for him, she scoffed roughly tossing down his bottle of water, "That fucking girl I swear. Scarlett, you have to let her go, take a break from worrying about her like she's your damn child. She's an adult for crying out loud, she needs to get over that filthy bloodsucker and move the hell on, she's better off without him. She's acting like its the end of the god damn world,"

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