twenty one ; you have me

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T W E N T Y   O N E ; Y O U   H A V E   M E

"I think I'm losing my mind now, it's in my head, darling I hope that you'll be here, when I need you the most,t so don't let me down"

Scarlett chewed on the french toast reveling in the taste of the delight fully aware of a pair of eyes that kept looking at her front he side every few seconds

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Scarlett chewed on the french toast reveling in the taste of the delight fully aware of a pair of eyes that kept looking at her front he side every few seconds. The others were now eating with her, all Sam had said on the matter was that it was theirs to figure out which Scarlett and Paul were thankful for they didnt need anyone butting into their imprinting. Both Scarlett and Paul had plenty experience with a member of the opposite sex, so they were sure they could handle it themselves.

"So whose next to turn?" Scarlett wondered sipping on the fresh squeezed orange, grimacing as a large chunk of pulp went through her lips.

"We're thinking its Jake, but its hard to tell," Sam explained to the girl his mind still reeling about the imprint. Scarlett went to open her mouth to respond to the Alpha wolf but her words were cut off by the shrill ring of her cell phone. She winced at the volume due to her extended abilities, her eyes flickering blue in annoyance before she reached into her jeans pocket and pulled out her phone.

For a split second her heart sped up in worry that it was one of her usual bootie calls, with Paul sitting so close he would easily hear whomever was on the other line and Scarlett found herself fearing hurting his feelings, thankfully it was just Charlie. But unthankfully all the thoughts from the previous night stormed back into her head, she had truly forgotten about the Cullens and Bella when she saw Paul, what kind of friend was she?

"Hello?" She answered quickly not wanting to keep Charlie waiting on the other line. She knew Bella was probably still upset, most likely crying her eyes out over a tub of ice cream while watching Nicholas Sparks movies that would yank your heart strings out of your body.

"Scarlett thank god," The pure relief in Charlies strained voice made Scarlett stand up abruptly, Paul subconsciously following her up as his hand was held out to her arm showing he was there for assistance. His own mind caught up with his actions, yet he didnt pull his arm back.

"What is it? Whats wrong?" Scarlett demanded of the man, already fearing the worst of the worst. Had Bella disappeared again, had she run away, had she done something that Scarlett couldnt even think of—had she ended her life. No she wouldnt, it was just a simple break up, I mean Bella met Edward like yesterday theres no way it could be that bad. She was just breaking down like a regular teenage girl right?

"Its Bella," Scarlett throat closed as she gasped, "She's just staring out the window, she wont move or eat. She wont even talk to me, Scarlett I dont know what to do here. I've never had to deal with this kind of thing before, and neither has Renee, and I just dont know what to do, is this normal? Im worried about my little girl, can you please come," Charlies voice choked as if he was holding back a cry as he begged for help from the girl whose heart was breaking at his words.

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