three ; necrophilia isnt my particular kink

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T H R E E ; N E C R O P H I L I A  I S N T M Y  P A R T I C U L A R  K I N K
  "it's called necrophilia reggie, can you spell it?"

Scarlett took a breather down at her car for a moment before she had to head to her next class

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Scarlett took a breather down at her car for a moment before she had to head to her next class. She honestly hadn't meant to make such a big scene but nothing pissed her off more than boy like that guy in the cafeteria. She was just happy that her mom had made her take self defense classes a few years ago and she still had a couple tricks up her sleeve.

Already Scarlett was not a fan of the pale faces, she regretted not asking Sam to talk her way out of her expulsion. It was too late now. She heard the bell ring and with a heavy sigh she hesitatingly made her way to her history class, most of the students already in their seats. 

"Oh Miss. Grey correct?" The teacher asked looking at the girl, she nodded, "I'm Mr. Calvin your teacher. Here's your book and a the assignment for the day," he shoved the belongings in her arms, "and you can go ahead and take a seat at Mr. and Miss. Hales table," he motioned to the only table in the room that had just two people instead of the usual four.

Scarlett nodded and headed to the back of the class to the attractive siblings that she heard about during lunch. She pulled up a seat besides the girl and across from the boy, she had already forgotten their names as she pulled out her binder and a pen.  The Hale siblings looked at one another in confusion for many reasons. For one, the girl was acting as if they were just your every day run of the mill people. When the reaction they usually got was staring or fear and nervousness. But according to Jasper she was as chill as a cucumber and hadn't even looked their way once. The other reason was her blood, it didn't smell like every other human in the room. The blondes felt no hunger towards her, the newest vegetarian to the family breathed out in relief for once being able to be next to a human without fear of compromising their life. Jasper felt elated, his usual somber mood instantly heightening at the new found fact. 

Rosalie took the initiative to speak first, wanting to actually get to know this human since she was the first to ever put a smile on her face and to put a smile on Jasper's she was already worthy in her eyes, "Hey, what you did at lunch was pretty cool. Brody's always been a creep towards girls, finally someone put him in his place,"  Scarlett looked up from her notebook where she was jotting down notes from the lesson Mr. Calvin was giving on the Civil War.

She chuckled softly, "Brody huh? He even has a douche bag name," Rosalie chuckled softly at the girl in front of her, "I'm Scarlett Grey," She quickly introduced herself to which the fake siblings nodded. 

"Im Rosalie, this is my brother Jasper," Scarletts eyes flickered to Jasper, before squinting. He could feel her quizzical emotions and recognition making him stiffen slightly. 

"You look really familiar, I feel like Ive seen you some where," Scarlett mused mostly to herself. She had been in and out of Forks and Jessica said that they had moved into town a couple years ago, so she chalked it up to seeing him in passing, " Nevermind," she said quietly as they continued working on the lesson. 

By the end of the class Scarlett came to the conclusion that she had actually really liked both Rosalie and Jasper Hale. She wasnt an idiot she had knew of the legends regarding the Cullens, hell she had grown up with those stories during bed time. Her mom would tell her about the animal blood drinking cold ones that threatened the village. It was Jacobs grandfather and Scarletts own grandmother who made up a treaty with them. So long as they stayed off Quileute land, their secrets would remain safe.  Scarlett believed in the stories. She could see the resemblance between the 'cold ones' and the Cullens, pale skin, golden eyes, immense beauty. Even if they were 'cold ones' as long as they didnt harm a human being she saw no problem with coexisting. In fact she had secretly hoped the legends were true, because if they were that would mean the Cullens were hundreds of years old and well Scarlett had so many history questions to ask. But she wasnt going to ask them, she was just going to let the chips fall where they may and if she ended up learning the truth than so be it. 

After class ended she bid the two pale Cullens goodbye before heading down to the parking lot since school was now over. She leaned against her car while she waited for Bella to wander down towards her truck. It was easy for Scarlett to see how upset Bella was, even from a distance. The fact was made even more clear as the brunette walked up to her truck and tossed her back in, shutting the door roughly before turning towards the native girl who watched her in curiousness. 

"Whats got your panties all in a twist?" Scarlett mused as Bella let out a loud huff tossing her hands up in the air.  

"Do I smell bad?" Bella asked her best friend who let out a small laugh at her best friends question, before coming to the realization that she was serious. Scarlett sighed and stepped up to Bella leaning down slightly to smell Bellas hair before shaking her head,

   "No, you smell good like strawberries, what shampoo do you use?" Scarlett wondered while Bella snapped and started ranting. Something about one of the Cullens acting as if she smelled like a landfill and staring her down the whole time, oh and that he resembled Adonis.

That made Scarlett laugh, "Izzy I thought we've been over this, I'm the only God in town, well Im a Goddess,"

  "Maybe you two should get together then huh? Adonis and Aphrodite match made in heaven," Bella mumbled under her breath making Scarlett look over at the girl with a small laugh. 

"That is if Adonis doesn't mind being killed and reborn a hundred times over,"  

"What?" Scarlett shook her head,   "Its nothing, Greek Mythology doesn't matter and besides, Edward Cullen is not my type,"

Bella scoffed,   "Please he's everyones type," Scarletts eyes flickered over to the other end of the parking lot where the Cullens and Hales were loading into their vehicles.

Scarlett scrutinized the boy in question.   "Sweetheart, he's not mine I can promise you that. Far too pale for me,  I like my men with a bit of color, the whole dead body necrophilia thing isn't my particular kink and trust me I have a lot.  I like a more define muscular stature, and god dont even get me started on that hair, what does he carry in there all of his secrets? And besides he was an asshole to my best friend, that shit doesn't hang with me, if Edward Cullen knows whats good for him he'd stay the hell out of my way," She hissed the end statement looking at the group of Cullens that looked over at her, she held a knowing expression on her face, one that scared them to no end.  

Edward had read the girls mind throughout the day and figured that she had her native beliefs regarding the family, and that she had more of a belief than a disbelief for the 'cold ones'. What he didnt know was whether or not she knew of her own bloodline, what she was and what she could be, and that is what they feared the most.

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