twenty ; oh, there you are

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T W E N T Y ; O H , T H E R E Y O U A RE

"and then my soul saw you and it kinda went, 'oh there you are, I've been looking for you' "

"and then my soul saw you and it kinda went, 'oh there you are, I've been looking for you' "

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The next morning was a rough one for Scarlett. Her body ached in places she didnt even know could get sore, her head was pounding, her eyes stung, and her mouth was dryer than the desert. But despite all of that she felt stronger, stronger than ever before like she could go run 10 miles without breaking a sweat. She felt powerful as if no one could stand above her. Coming to terms with what she had turned into was fairly simple, granted that was due to the fact that she was groomed to belive the legends since she was a child. Had she had no belief in the supernatural coming to terms with her knew status would be a hard pill to swallow. And while she easily understood that she was now a shifter what she was having a bit of difficuty with was that she was the Q' waeti, now that was a different story for the ebony haired woman.

The Q' waeti from the legends was a queen to her people. She was a role model for the young girls of the tribe to look up to, and aspire to be. She was beautiful, incredibly so, but that was one of the very many reasons of why everyone fawned over her. Above her beauty was her brains, she was wise, impossibly intelligent. She cared about every single member of the tribe, and looked after their health and wellbeing putting her own life at risk for them. She stood besides the Alpha wolf, and together they played on their strengths, and leaned against one another on their weaknesses. She was the Queen of the tribe.

The problem was, Scarlett Grey didn't think she deserved such a title.

A soft knock on the door from the guest room caused Scarlett to finally open her eyes, she had been awake for hours but had yet to open her eyes or get out of bed. She was staying in the guest room of Sam's house, where he lived with Emily Young his fiancee. Scarlett enjoyed the woman company very much so, but she had held a bit of grudge against her for the Emily/Sam/ Leah thing. She wasnt great friends with Leah, but what had happened was so horribly wrong in Scarletts eyes, she didnt talk to Sam for months that it until she gave in to his puppy eyes as he begged his little sister to forgive him. And she did, but she had yet to forgive the woman who stole her cousins love. That was, until she turned into a giant wolf and was now expected to be some kind of Queen to the entire tribe. Sam had explained to her that he had imprinted on Emily when she came up to visit her family, they both tried to fight the pull to the best of their abilities but they couldnt, they were soulmates and their relationship was fate; you dont mess with fate.

"Scarlett you awake sweetheart?" Emily asked through the wooden door, only opening when she heard a response from the dark haired girl.

"I'm up," Scarlett told her. Emily walked in the room, with a smile on her face making Scarlett a bit skeptical. She didnt trust anyone who could be awake so early and have a smile already on their face. The beautiful scarred woman had a hand full of clothes with her, as she padded over to the girl who remained sitting in bed.

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