eleven ; i think that went well

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E L E V E N ; I T H I N K T H A T W E N T W E L L

'you can be and not really be'


Lying on her bed, Scarlett scrolled through Tumblr laughing at silly memes and ogling at the attractive men that popped up on her feed

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Lying on her bed, Scarlett scrolled through Tumblr laughing at silly memes and ogling at the attractive men that popped up on her feed. She held her cell phone to her ear, talking to Bella who was also on her computer, though she wasn't checking out hot actors, she was researching.

"So why have you never told me about the Quileute legends?" Bella mused off-handedly as if it was no big deal, but to Scarlett it was.

"Uh maybe because you're not Quileute,"

"But I'm your best—"Scarlett quickly cut the girl off with a huff,

"Bella I know you're my best friend but those are tribe secrets I cant just tell you because you're my best friend," She explained to the girl without a hint of regret. Sure, Bella was her best friend and she told her everything when it came to her life, but these were secret stories going back decades and decades. They were meant only for the tribe for a reason, and unless you had a proper allowance from the council, you don't get to know them if you're an outsider. "Wait how do you even know about them?" Scarlett realized, questioning the girl who quickly tried to stammer out some sort of a lie, that the dark haired girl saw right through, "And don't you dare lie to me, Isabella Marie Swan,"

"I flirted with Jacob and got him to tell me," She blurted making Scarlett laugh at the poor girl who whined on the other line, saying that it wasn't funny.

"You manipulating my friend is not funny you're right, but the thought of you attempting to flirt, with Jacob no less, is down right comedy book material," Bella let out a noise of disagreement.

"Hey! I can flirt," She defended herself weakly.

"Yeah and I can sing," Scarlett retorted knowing well enough that even though she loved to sing, she wouldn't be getting any record deals anytime soon.

"Yeah, yeah. Hey listen I gotta go, I'll see you at school tomorrow though right?"

"Of course, I'll talk to you later. Love you,"

"Love you too," Bella responded before the line went dead and Scarlett went back to scrolling through pictures of attractive people before switching over to much cuter puppies and kittens, cooking at the overall adorableness of them all. It was a good night.

Bella searched around the school grounds hoping to catch a glimpse of the Cullens while Jessica and Scarlett basked in the small amount of sun that was shining. It was a rare bright and sunny day for Forks, who only got a very small handful every year. Scarlett and Jessica hadn't necessarily made up, they were more at a stalemate, they hung out with each other but never said more than a few words to the other, it was working out pretty well.

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