five ; egotistical bitch

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F I V E  ;  E G O T I S T I C A L  B I T C H

"she was choas and beauty intertwined. a tornado of roses from divine"


For the next week Bella internally groveled over the fact that Edward Cullen wasnt at school

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For the next week Bella internally groveled over the fact that Edward Cullen wasnt at school. At first she had been extremely intimidated by the stunningly handsome man, that was until her best friend got ahold of her and told her to grow a backbone. And in a way she did, she had planned to demand to know what his problem was with her, but she couldnt do that if he wasnt attending school. In the meantime Scarlett became good friends with the Hales, both siblings. She had bonded over cars with Rosalie, apparently the blonde woman had a similar affinity for cars just like Scarlett. But while Scarlett liked older models, Rosalie was more into anything new and fast, but they both appreciated all cars in general. And well Scarlett and Jasper, getting two major history buffs in one room was a recipe for disaster since the two could talk nonstop for hours. It was shocking to see the dark haired girl turn the otherwise painfully silent Jasper Hale into a chatty cathy. Bella spent most of her time with the group of friends the girls had met on their first day, and since Bella hung out with them, Scarlett followed reluctantly. She was only staying at the pale faced school for her, she wasnt not going to spend time with her best friend.

"Izzy will you be the amazing girl I know and love?" Scarlett wondered aloud from her spot on Bellas rocking chair where she hung over the wooden chair backwards.

"What do you want?" Bella asked looking up from her textbooks where she was working on home work, Scarlett flipped upright.

"Could you make me something to eat?" Bella groaned, "Please common, you know how terrible of a cook I am," She snorted at how true her best friends statement was.

"Yes I do know, I was the one you gave food poisoning too for a week and a half,"

"All the more reason for you to do the cooking and for me to sit and watch,"

The brunette slammed her book closed with a sigh, "Fine, what do you want?" Scarlett grinned in victory.

"French toast please"


Scarlett walked down the hallway heading toward the Biology lab where she knew Bella would be exited form class, the exotic girl who strutted down the hall catching multiple looks from onlookers was surprised to see Edward Cullen quickly hurrying away from Bella, barely glancing at Scarlett as he passed her.

"What the hell was that about?" She asked Bella as she approached the girl who stared after the pale Adonis like he was the sun leaving at the end of the day.

"I-I dont know. We talked all class and then I asked him about his eyes and he got all—" she gestured a wave with her hands, "And then he ran off," Scacrlett debated this in her mind for a second in confusion before shrugging.

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