fourteen ; shifted air

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F O U R T E E N  ;  S H I F T E D  A I R

"all great changes are preceded by chaos"

Jasper and Alice chose the best hotel in Phoenix, not to mention they even got the best room available

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Jasper and Alice chose the best hotel in Phoenix, not to mention they even got the best room available. After getting in, both vampires having to mask their skin from the sun which gained many looks, Scarlett went ahead and ordered some room service for her and Bella. The latter just sitting on the couch, her face marred with worry for the Cullens and her father. Scarlett sat beside her best friend gripping onto her hands for support when Alice let out a loud gasp as her eyes blurred over in a vision.

"What is it? What do you see?" Jasper asked his mate, his voice soft and soothing as he cradled onto her arm, letting her know that he was right there beside her. It was moments like these that made Scarlett's heartache, she had slept with a lot of different people but none of them were just there, you know. The way Jasper is for Alice, silently there supporting her, loving her unconditionally, with a 'us against the world' mentality. As much as Scarlett loved sleeping around, a bigger part of her yearned for something more, someone more. She just wasn't sure if she'd ever find it, or rather him or her.

"The tracker, he just changed course," Alice explained, her voice tinkling like bells.

"Where will it take him, Alice?" Jasper asked putting a piece of paper in front of her on the coffee table and placing a pencil in her hand allowing her to draw exactly what she was seeing.

"Mirrors. A room full of mirrors," Bella and Scarlett stood walking over to the two vampires in curiosity, and worry.

"Edward said the visions weren't always certain," Bella choked seeing the familiar image hoping that the 'seer' vampire could be wrong just this one time at least. Scarlett looked at her best friend catching her expression, though she hadn't a clue why the room wasn't recognizable to her in any way.

Jasper shook his head, "She sees the course people are on while they're on it. If they change their minds, the vision changes,"

"Okay, so the course that the tracker's on now is gonna lead him to a ballet studio?" Three pairs of eyes looked away from the drawing and to Bella in shock. It was then that it suddenly hit Scarlett, Bella had done ballet for a short amount of time when she was a child. In fact, that was during one of the times Scarlett came to visit, she flew all the way to Phoenix to watch her recital, the room in the drawing was suddenly much more familiar to her.

"You've been here?" Alice asked the pale human girl.

"I took lessons as a kid, the school I went to had an arch just like that,"

"Was your school here in Phoenix?" Jasper asked just as Bellas phone vibrated from a call, she took it stepping into the other room for privacy. Scarlett looked to the two vampires.

"It's just a couple blocks from her mom's place, so what do we do? Are we leaving?" She asked them who nodded,

"Edwards on the phone, he's going to take Bella to keep her safe," Jasper explained to her, his voice slow and soothing but it did nothing to calm the furious ebony, haired girl.

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