thirty one ; im in love with you

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T H I R T Y  O N E  ;  I M  I N  L O V E  W I T H  Y O U

'im so hopelessly utterly in love with you'

Scarlett was woken up in the middle of the night by the shrill ring of her cell phone, she pulled herself out of Pauls tightening grip to grab her phone off the nightstand

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Scarlett was woken up in the middle of the night by the shrill ring of her cell phone, she pulled herself out of Pauls tightening grip to grab her phone off the nightstand. She pushed her messy hair back as it was sticking to the sweat on her body from her own heat combined with Pauls during the night, which she found comfortable rather than not.

"Hello?" Her voice was hoarse with sleep, as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.

The voice that came through the other line was a frantic Charlie Swan, "Bella's gone!" A simple two worded sentence seemed to be the bane of Scarletts existence, since the last time Bella went missing, she turned into a giant dog, and every moment in between had been about the pale faced girl who apparently was a big deal.

Scarlett did her best to calm the man down, and realized he had no idea of their falling out, which is why he was calling her wondering if she knew anything about it, which she didn't. She had left a note saying she went to Italy, or something. It was all very strange, and very Bella like to leave her father behind in the dust sick with worry. She reassured him that even though she didn't know where Bella was, she would find out, and that's exactly what she did. Pulling on some boots, she padded over to Paul giving him a soft kiss on his forehead before leaving the house, heading towards the one person that knew Bellas location at all time; Jacob Black.

When she made her way to the Black residence, she could see the boy pacing back in forth in his bedroom, she quietly climbed through the window, not startling the boy at all.

"What happened?" Was all she asked.

"The Cullens happened," Jake growled angrily wanting to toss every item in his room at the wall, but held back not wanting to wake his father up from his sleep. Scarlett froze at his words, before her own bout of anger grew in her being.

"They're back?" Her voice flat and void of obvious emotion, as she tried to hold back the betrayal.

"No. Yes. I don't know, just the girl with short hair, she came back because she thought Bella died when she jumped off the cliff and apparently Edward was going to kill himself so Bella went to save him," Jake explained and the pain behind his voice was palpable, "It's always going to be him isn't it?"

Scarlett's eyes softened at her friend, she walked up to him grasping onto his hand tightly, " I don't know Jakey. I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but there is someone out there that's made for you, that will love you unconditionally with all their heart. It might not be Bella, and I know you don't want to hear that, but you need to. One day you are going to be so terribly happy with the love of your life, and you'll think back to this moment and wonder why you were ever worried in the first place. You're amazing, and sweet, and kind, and a total catch," She told the boy honestly making him smile in gratitude before he looked at her seriously.

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