eight ; home sweet home

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E I G H T  ;  H O M E  S W E E T  H O M E

'home is no longer a building with a door and windows, i have found home in the comfort of your arms, and thats where ill stay'

The Quileute reservation was hands down Scarletts favorite place to be, granted she hadn't been out of the state of Washington, nevertheless she knew even if she had visited the ends of the world, La Push would always remain her favorite, because ...

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The Quileute reservation was hands down Scarletts favorite place to be, granted she hadn't been out of the state of Washington, nevertheless she knew even if she had visited the ends of the world, La Push would always remain her favorite, because it was her home.

La Push was where she was brought into this world, it was where she broke her arm when she was 7, it was where she met all of her closest friends, it was where she had her first kiss. La Push held all of her important memories that made her who she was. And while everyone her age were chomping at the bit to escape the small town, Scarlett truly didn't mind sticking around, sure she wanted to travel the world, but La Push was where she wanted to start her family and grow old with her husband.

She would often walk along the pebbled beaches in the brisk morning before the world woke up. This of course would often be the second option to sitting outside her bedroom window on top of the roof. It was peaceful, listening to the waves crash against the shore, alongside the cool breeze. No matter how much she cursed the small town when she became angry at her life, deep down, she truly loved it here, and she always would.


Scarlett stood outside of the small green home that sat by in between the beach and the deep forest, her heeled feet clicked back and forth against the rotting wood patio as she waited for the dark brown door to open. It was raining heavily, and Scarlett was thankful that she had opted out on straightening her hair this morning, knowing if she had her black mane would be a giant frizzy mess at this point. She was dressed in skin tight jeans with heeled black boots that reached up past her knees, a white plain shirt and an army green jacket over her shoulders, her hair pulled back into two french braids, courtesy of her mother.

She rubbed her hands together, attempting to generate some heat when the door swung open and an older gruff man with a wrinkled complexion stared down at the girl, before his scowl turned into a small smile upon the realization who it was that pulled him away from the sports game playing on the tv. His shoulder length grey hair was held back by his camouflage hunting cap, and he wore a simple long sleeved brown shirt with a pair of jeans.

"Scarlett," Harry Clearwater greeted kindly, "It's so good to see you, come in, come in," He instructed Scarlett, who did as she was told, stopping only to give Harry a brief side hug, "Sue and Seth are in the kitchen, Leahs out with a few friends," Harry explained to her before going back to the living room to catch up on what he had missed, not even bothering to ask what she was doing there at the Clearwater house hold. But that was just the way it was on the reserve, everyone was friends with one another and stopping by just to say hello, or to hang out without a warning was customary, encouraged even.

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