seven ; pretty face

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S E V E N  ;  P R E T T Y  F A C E

"love comes in many forms as many as there are hearts to hold it"


"There's something different about them," Bella muttered to Scarlett as they leaned against her car in the school parking lot before the junior class went on their field trip for biology

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"There's something different about them," Bella muttered to Scarlett as they leaned against her car in the school parking lot before the junior class went on their field trip for biology. Scarlett dipped her head down to look at her best friend who stared at the Cullen family who waited by the large yellow school buses.

"Izzy they're insanely hot, I'm insanely hot not that much of a difference you know," Scarlett said in a bored tone, sure she didn't want to have to lie to her best friend, but the truth was, it wasn't her secret to tell and technically she wasn't allowed to share their secret since she was a Quileute, sure she didn't turn into a wolf but still, that was their 'treaty' or whatever. Honestly, at this point she kind wished Bella would take the initiative herself to figure it out, she was a smart and observational girl, she would be able to figure it out in no time if she would just actually try.

Bella turned to her best friend giving her an unamused expression, Scarlett raised her hands in defense, "Fine you're insanely hot too," She joked knowing that wasn't what annoyed the pale girl.

"Scarlett he used his hand to push away the van, he didn't use his good looks to do that okay," Bella snapped at the girl who shrunk down slightly at the use of her full name. Bella rarely used her actual name and vise versa the only time was when the other was angry or serious, and Bella was both at the moment. Scarlett opened her mouth to apologize to her friend just as Mike Newton approached the two looking specifically at Bella. 

"Look at you, huh? You're alive!" he raised his hands in the air with an idiotic smile on his face that just annoyed the living hell out of Scarlett, Bella gave a fake laugh.

"I know, yeah, false alarm I guess," Bella told him shaking her head. Mike pulled his backpack up his arm before nervously scratching the back of his neck,

"Um, now I wanted to ask you know, if you know, it's like a month away, but uh, do you wanna go to prom with me?" Scarlett let out a snort of laughter at the awkward pathetic boy who weakly asked out her best friend, who wasn't even paying attention. Nope, she was staring at Edward, who was obviously listening  in with an amused smile at the boys weak attempt. Edward, had previously explained to Scarlett that Bella was his mate, as well as his blood singer, which meant her blood smelled specifically good to him. Scarlett because slightly wary at that fact, fearing for her best friend's life, but they assured her that she would be okay, that didn't mean that Scarlett stopped worrying of course.

However, there apparently was no threat on her life because each of the Cullens told her that she didn't really have an 'edible' scent to them, which she found quite curious and strangely odd since everyone had a'edible' scent to vampires. But as long as she could continue to hang out with Jasper and Rosalie then whatever, she didn't care really.

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