six ; travel the world

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S I X  ;  T R A V E L   T H E  W O R L D

"the world is big and i want to have a good look at it before it gets dark"


Scarlett sat at the kitchen counter on a black stool surrounded by the Cullens

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Scarlett sat at the kitchen counter on a black stool surrounded by the Cullens. The next day after confessing to Rosalie and Carlisle about knowing their family secret, the dark haired girl was invited over to their home. Rosalie had invited her immediately after their conversation in Carlisle office at the hospital, but Scarlett just wanted to be with Bella, especially after the accident. Sure, she heard first hand that Bella was okay, given a clean bill of health, but that didn't mean she still wasn't completely frightened at the idea that Bella could have died. So instead, Scarlett called her mother and explained to the equally worried older woman that she would not be coming home and that she would stay at the Swan residence for the evening, her mother had no problem with it, just thankful that the Swan girl was okay and unharmed.

The best friends spent the night over a pile of junk food and terrible romantic comedies that had them 'awing' and laughing at what a cliche it all was. Bella was the one who was a sucker for romance, her favorite being Romeo and Juliet while Scarlett hated how sickly fake it all was. Love at first sight wasn't real in Scarletts eyes, and watching an 'average' teenage girl in high school who is considered to be a nerd who has a crush on the popular guy, but knows she'll never get him, then suddenly she gets a 'make over' which consists of contacts and a bit of make up and new clothes she's suddenly a whole new person and the popular boy now loves her.

She found the plot of the story horrendous, if a boy doesn't love you because you're deemed 'ugly' by society, then you need to go out and change every little thing about you, in order to make that guy like you. If a guy didn't find you completely and utterly earth shattering beautiful when you wear overalls and glasses, with a makeup free face well then he does not deserve you in a formal dress with your hair styled to perfection.

So after an evening of some much needed girl time the next day they attended school just like any other day, that is with the addition of everyone and their mother confronting Bella about what happened and if she was okay, some girl went as far as to ask if she had died, when Bella stood right in front of her. Scarlett had just about had enough with the pale faces, that was for sure.

"So Scarlett you grew up in La Push?" Esme, the mother figure of the Cullen household asked as she chopped up some vegetables, a cooking program playing on the TV besides her to aid in the creation of the dish. The dark haired girl mused lightly as she chewed on a carrot,

"I did, yes, with my mother, Alexa she's part of the Quiluete council," Scarlett explained to the vampires who surrounded her, "My father left when I was a child so it was just the two of us," They looked at her with an expression of pity before the girl noticeable perked up. "So I'm just gonna assume that you've all lived long and eventful lives, tell me what is it like?"

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