twenty three ; your lips on mine

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T W E N T Y   T H R E E ; Y O U R L I P S   O N  M I N E

'there is nothing more in this world that i want, than your lips placed upon mine'

Scarlett wanted nothing more than to run to her best friend, grab all kinds of junk food, wrap herself up in a blanket and just talk

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Scarlett wanted nothing more than to run to her best friend, grab all kinds of junk food, wrap herself up in a blanket and just talk. Talk about Paul and how he made her feel, she wanted to tell Bella about how she had never felt such a away with anyone in her life. He made her happy and not just in a relationship standpoint, no she genuinely enjoyed his company. The two were much more alike than they would ever admit, but that only fueled their friendship on further.

They joked lightheartedly, and laughed without holding back. They shared horror stories and comforted the other with their own, they held small talk about their favorite foods and deeper talks about the meaning of life.

It was hard for them to come to the realization that it had barely been a week since they initially met, because to them it felt like a lifetime—yet no time at all.

And all Scarlett wanted was to be a regular teenage girl for once, and gossip to her best friend about her crush. But she couldnt, because her best friend was dead inside. Completely, utterly dead, catatonic staring out the window into the woods internally begging and screaming for Edward fucking Cullen to swoop out with his big ass hair and sparkly skin.

Edward Cullen had destroyed Bella Swan. A fact that Scarlett would never be able to forgive because when she looked into the eyes of her best friend, she didnt look back, no one was home. Her body there in time, taking up space but no one was there.

Days went by, and they turned into weeks, which turned into months. Scarlett had tried every single day to knock her best friend out of her frozen state, but there was already so much going on in Scarletts life without the Cullen drama added.

Sam and the rest of the pack had been helping her control the shift, along with helping her discover her abilities. She found she could outrun the boys by a landslide, but her strength in wolf form only equalled to that of the Alphas. Her mind reading abilities had also been stretched, now in her human form she could search out a pack mind from anywhere—but the person had to be in wolf form for her to hear. She wasnt able to read the boys mind if they were in their human body, and they were quite glad about that.

Her senses however were increased when she stood in her own human form, a gift that she would surely use. As for the rest of her extra abilities they figured they would just have to wait it out to figure what else she could do.

Sam had gone and talked to the elders regarding Scarletts imprinting upon Paul, but they saw no reason for it to be a bad thing despite no other Q'waeti had imprinted before. If anything it could help the pack, she know had more of an initiative to protect them.

When she wasnt taking over patrols, finding her hierarchy status in the pack, or learning how to harness her 'special' abilities, Scarlett was spending time with none other than her imprint himself.

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