nineteen ; doggie style

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N I N E T E E N ; D O G G I E S T Y L E

"doggie style is my least favorite position"

Shocked to find two white paws against the earth instead of two heeled feet, Scarlett immediately began to panic

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Shocked to find two white paws against the earth instead of two heeled feet, Scarlett immediately began to panic. Seeing the glowing blue eyes look up frantically, Sam took the initiative to step forward, a hand held out in front of him while he tried to soothe the fear she was experiencing, the fear he experienced once.

"Scarlett, its me Sam...I know youre confused but youre okay, I just need you to calm down," He told her in a soothing voice that he had used since she was a child whenever she scraped her knee playing rough with the boys and was stuck in a hysterical cry, even if the cut had been minor it was more fear and embarrassment than actual pain. Hearing the familiar voice of the guy she saw as an older brother, Scarlett large wolf head turned up, searching for the body of the voice she heard. Sam stood in front of her, with Jared Cameron a bit behind him ready to step in and help his Alpha, and his Moon Woman, or rather Alpha Female. A whimper left Scarletts figure as she heaved out a sigh wanting to speak to the man in front of her but unable to form words.

Her mind was screaming at her,

Am I a giant dog?

How the hell did I become a giant dog?

Why am I dog?

I dont want to be a dog.

Am I stuck a dog for the rest of my life?

How am I supposed to ever have sex again?

Doggie style is my favorite position.

Why are my eyes burning so badly?

Sam??? what the fuck is going on!

The thoughts just would not stop coming as she tried to figure out a way to get back to normal, or at least into a human body.

Sam as if hearing her thoughts explained, "You need to calm down, think about being human, and your human body and you will change back, it might take you a while though," Scarlett nodded her head and started thinking about her body, one that she had memorized easily after staring at her naked body for hours on end. She knew every curve and crevasse, the part on her back where the ends of her hair met, and the beauty marks along her skin.

It was less than 15 minutes later, of thinking of her body and being human, that she actually shifted back falling down on her knees against the ground. And while to Scarlett those 15 minutes seemed to last years, both Sam and Jared were remarkably proud at the girl given it had taken both of them, and Paul Lahote, over 2 hours to change back, Sam stayed in wolf form for over 2 weeks since he had no one to explain to him how to change back.

Scarlett felt different. Granted she did turn into a giant wolf but her human body felt different too, she felt stronger, her skin was radiating heat, which meant she wasnt remotely cold despite being butt naked in the middle of the woods at midnight. She still held a small tremor, making her body shake slightly from the influx of adrenaline and anger still coursing through her veins. She stood up on shaky legs like a doe trying to first learn how to walk, the boys turned their eyes away giving her some semblance of privacy while Sam held out the oversized t-shirt to her.

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