thirteen ; i dont like baseball

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T H I R T E E N ; I  D O N T  L I K E  B A S E B A L L

'how do we know baseball is americas pastime? because kissing a girl is called getting to first base, not getting a first down'

Scarlett sat in a small cafe in down town Forks, the only place that served a decent cappuccino since the nearest Starbucks was in Port Angeles and well, the only other place to get a cup of coffee was the diner which served stale luke warm generi...

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Scarlett sat in a small cafe in down town Forks, the only place that served a decent cappuccino since the nearest Starbucks was in Port Angeles and well, the only other place to get a cup of coffee was the diner which served stale luke warm generic coffee. Across from her sat Rosalie who flicked through a magazine while Scarlett sipped her drink and munched little by little on an almond biscotti. To anyone looking in, they would see two stunningly gorgeous girls, complying to simple tasks that the two made look extraordinary. In fact, they looked nearly out of place, beauty as such should belong in New York or in Los Angeles on a movie poster, not in a tiny coffee shop in the drab town of Forks, Washington.

As the patrons entered and left, their eyes immediately were drawn to the beauties, one with glossy ebony hair the other with a golden mane. Their conversations were soft, and sounded like a sweet song from the Heavens. The young male barista made often stops to the table, asking if they were in need of anything, his face turning a soft pink whenever he approached the girls who could easily be models.

Rosalie watched her human friend as she dipped the biscuit treat into her drink before taking a bite. It had been a long time since she was human and tasted actual food, her heart hurt when she thought about it. But it wasnt the food that she missed the most, it was just being human that she missed. The human experiences that she was never granted since her life was taken much too soon, and far too early.

"Are you going to come play baseball with my family and I?" Rosalie asked Scarlett who just finished her snack, she gently tossed a lock of hair behind her shoulders.

"You mean watch you and your family play baseball? I don't know, I don't really like baseball," Scarlett pursed her lips, watching a family of vampires play baseball didn't sound particularly fun in her eyes.

Rosalie pouted, " Please come, you cant leave me stuck with Bella," She cried but her words turned Scarletts peaceful facial expression dark.

"Do not talk bad about Bella Rosalie. In case you've forgotten she's my best friend," She snapped fiercely making Rosalie flinch slightly, she nodded respectfully.

"I know, I'm sorry," She quickly apologized with a sad smile, Scarlett watched her for a moment wondering why Rosalie could be such good friend with her, but absolutely demise Bellas whole existence.

"Whats your problem with her anyways?"

Rosalie eyes casted downwards as she set her magazine down, smoothing out the pages as she mumbled out a sentence that the dark haired girl couldnt catch.

"What was that?" She asked once more and Rosalie let out huff before leaning back against the chair, picking at her manicured nails.

"Im jealous of her okay?" Rosalie rushed out tossing her hands up in exempt, while Scarlett looked at her new found friend in amusement, but also understanding.

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