thirty two ; the end for now

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T H I R T Y T W O ; T H E E N D F O R N O W
'all good things must come to an end'

The very next morning after Paul and Scarletts night of passion the dark haired girl had to rise a lot sooner than her mate, since she had assigned herself the early morning patrol that day to be with Seth and Leah

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The very next morning after Paul and Scarletts night of passion the dark haired girl had to rise a lot sooner than her mate, since she had assigned herself the early morning patrol that day to be with Seth and Leah. Not bothering to get ready or even change out of Paul's large T-shirt she padded down to the kitchen, heading straight for the fridge for water and some food. Placing a bagel in the toaster, she chugged down a bottle of water, a paper on the counter catching her attention. Taking one more sip of the water she picked up the page, reading her mothers lazy handwriting. Her mother the thought registered in her mind, she hadn't even thought about her mom in the room down the hall when she came home last night.

Scarlett I slept over at Billys house last night, there was a lot of noise coming from your room last night and I can only hope to god that you were watching porn. As bad as that is the alternative thought is much worse to me, so ill see you when i get home

p.s. i hope you guys wore protection

Scarlett's eyes widened at her mothers words, and her face burned at the thought of being caught by her mother. Thankfully her mother wasn't foolish when it came to Scarletts extra curricular activities and knew better than to walk in or do something equally as humiliating. She figured her and Billy had their own fun night as well, but as soon as that image popped in her head she shook it away in disgust. She did not need to picture that, no thank you. Her bagel popped up in the toaster and she quickly slathered it with cream cheese before shoving it down her mouth in a couple of bits. She grabbed a bottle of water and ran upstairs placing it by her bedside table for Paul.

She gently ran her fingers through her hair, and his eyes slowly flickered open, "Huh?" He mumbled, blinking the sleepiness from his eyes only to smile when he saw Scarlett in front of him.

"I gotta go patrol, I'll be home later," She told him, pressing her lips to his quickly before standing to turn, Paul caught her wrist making her turn back, "What?"

"I love you," She would never get tired of hearing those words.

Scarlett smiled at the guy, "I love you too," She said simply before bounding out of the room, feeling lighter on her feet and the butterflies bubbling up in her stomach as the simple sentence that meant so much to her. She knew Paul loved her, and she knew she loved him, but them saying it to one another as easy as if they were stating the color of the sky meant so much more. She had never said 'i love you' to a boyfriend or girlfriend for that matter, no one who she was sexually or romantically with had she ever truly felt that emotion. Sure she loved them as people, as her friends but she was never in love with them.

This was different, Paul was different, and while she knew that imprint was a big part of their connection she couldn't help but think that her and Paul would have still found one another even if they never shifted. It was only a matter of time until the La Push Player and Slutty Scarlett crossed paths, and she would like to think that they would have some form of connection with one another.

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